Youtube recommended upload encoding settings
ffmpeg -i <input_file> -codec:v libx264 -crf 18 -bf 2 -flags +cgop -pix_fmt yuv420p -codec:a aac -ar 48000 -b:a 384k -movflags faststart <output_file.mp4>
Streamable recommended Video Settings
ffmpeg options to convert video for streamable (it also works for FullHD video prepaired for youtube)
ffmpeg -i <input_file> -codec:v libx264 -s hd720 -crf 18 -bf 2 -flags +cgop -pix_fmt yuv420p -codec:a copy -movflags faststart <output_file>.mp4
Note that these settings are the same as in Youtube section, but the keys
-s hd720
was added
-codec:a aac -ar 48000 -b:a 384k
was changed to-codec:a copy
ffmpeg -i <input_file> -c copy -ss <time_from> -to <time_to> <output_file>
<time_from> and <time_to> can be in two formats: hh:mm:ss[.xxx] or ss[.xxx]
To concatenate two or more parts, create a file list.txt and add file names like there:
file 'file1.avi'
file 'file2.avi'
file 'file3.avi'
Then execute
ffmpeg -f concat -i .\list.txt -c copy <output_file>