Examples Projects for RZ/V FSP.
Example projects demonstrate the operation of various peripherals available on RZ/V FSP.
- Refer to the 'Example Project Usage Guide' document in the 'example_projects' folder.
- Example Projects source code for modules supported on FSP is in \example_projects\kit\module folder.
- Projects can be downloaded from 'Assets' section of 'releases'.
- 'readme.txt' file in each of the module folders provides a brief description of the example project and hardware requirements for running the projects.
- RZ/V2L Product Information: www.renesas.com/rz-mpus/rzv2l
- RZ/V2H Product Information: www.renesas.com/rz-mpus/rzv2h
- RZ/V Flexible Software Package: github.com/renesas/rzv-fsp
- FSP Documentation: www.renesas.github.io/rzv-fsp
- Renesas Support: www.renesas.com/support