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CoMo COVID-19 App

Important Disclaimer

Whilst every effort has been taken during the development of this tool/model for it to be as accurate and reliable as possible it is important that the user understands that the outputs are a prediction based on the assumptions chosen through the input parameter values. In view of the current uncertainty on the COVID-19 mechanisms of action, the output of the model should be used to explore multiple scenarios and in combination with a larger evidence base during decision-making.

The appropriate use of this tool/model and its output can contribute to effective policymaking, but misuse or misinterpretation of the output can mislead decision-making. Any decisions taken whist using these tools are the responsibility of the user and no liability whatsoever will be taken by the developers/authors of the tool.


The interface was developed after consultation with several members of the CoMo Consortium. It possesses all the features and functionalities necessary to successfully perform a model fit to the available data and investigate the potential impact of several non-pharmaceutical interventions.

The App is online but can also be run locally. Follow the instructions below to install, update or launch the offline App.


Install Offline App

if (!require('pacman')) install.packages('pacman', quiet = TRUE)

pacman::p_load(bsplus, DT, deSolve, highcharter, lubridate, pushbar, RColorBrewer, readxl, remotes,
               reshape2, scales, shiny, shinyBS, shinycssloaders, shinyhelper, shinythemes, 
               shinyWidgets, tidyverse)
  • If prompted --- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---, select 'Cloud'.
  • If prompted Do you want to install from sources the packages which need compilation? (Yes/no/cancel), return no.
  • Close and reopen R.
  • Run in the console: remotes::install_github("ocelhay/como", upgrade = "never")

Update Offline App

To update to the latest version, run: remotes::install_github("ocelhay/como", upgrade = "never")

Launch Offline App

To launch the CoMo App, open R and run in the console: como::comomodel()


  1. If the internet connection is not steady, re-run the commands as often as required for the download to proceed.
  2. Restart R and update all packages update.packages()


COMO repository.







No packages published


  • R 99.0%
  • CSS 1.0%