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Set up and build android AAOS for Pixel 4a - stream on/offline data from RemotiveLabs cloud

The start of this guide is copy of, with the addition of fething new version of git and repo.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison build-essential zip curl zlib1g-dev gcc-multilib g++-multilib libc6-dev-i386 libncurses5 lib32ncurses5-dev x11proto-core-dev libx11-dev lib32z1-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libxml2-utils xsltproc unzip fontconfig
sudo apt install python

#install repo
mkdir -p ~/.bin
echo 'export PATH="${HOME}/.bin:${PATH}"' >> ~/.bashrc
curl > ~/.bin/repo
chmod a+rx ~/.bin/repo

git config --global "YOUR_MAILADRESS"
git config --global "YOUR NAME"

#according to google instructions
mkdir aaos_on_phone
cd aaos_on_phone
repo init -u -b android-12.0.0_r3 --use-superproject --partial-clone --partial-clone-exclude=platform/frameworks/base --clone-filter=blob:limit=10M
repo sync -j8 -c -q

#For pixel 4a
curl --output -  | tar -xzvf -
tail -n +315 | tar -zxvf -

curl --output - | tar -xzvf -
tail -n +315 | tar -xzvf -

. build/
lunch aosp_sunfish_car

# once you executed m you need to wait for a few hours!

m android.hardware.automotive.audiocontrol@1.0-service android.hardware.automotive.vehicle@2.0-service

Flash the device

Follow the guide

Flashing can be tricky even if following the guide. When using fastboot it doesn't go to homescreen, however, adb root, adb remount and adb sync works. Once the automotive binaries are in place it does boot properly to homescreen

Flash if binaries resides on a remote machine

Fastboot is only avalible locally (unlike adb, se reference below), so if the build is made on a VM the binaries need to moved to a local machine which is connected to your android device. To transfer the bianries do the following

#build machine
cd out/target/product/sunfish/
zip ~/flash-data android-info.txt boot.img dtbo.img product.img super_empty.img system_ext.img system.img system_other.img vbmeta.img

#scp to your local machine
scp -r ...

#flash from your local machine
fastboot reboot-bootloader
fastboot -w update

#likely you need
adb root && sleep 5 && adb remount && adb sync

Build and replace grpc-service

Put the code in for example: aaos_on_phone/vendor/remotivelabs/grpc-service, like so:

~/aaos_on_phone/vendor/remotivelabs/grpc-service$ cp -r ~/remotivelabs-android-vhal/* .

Unless already done you should do:

# from aaos_on_phone folder
. build/
lunch aosp_sunfish_car	

build by doing:

m grpc-service

On the device, unless it has already been done since last boot

adb root && sleep 5 &&  adb remount

Copy to the pixel 4a by doing:

adb sync

Make sure the network is available

Start the grpc-service:

adb shell /system_ext/bin/grpc-service YOUR_BROKER_URL API_KEY

Ensure that YOUR_BROKER_URL matches your broker's URL, for example,, which is located on the Broker Details page when using Remotive Cloud (also make sure to drop https:// from the URL). The API_KEY can also be found on the same page. If you are running the broker outside of Remotive Cloud, open the Remotive Broker App and look for the URL in the bottom left corner. Click on it to reveal both the URL and the API KEY.

Make sure the credentials match, go to the, and start the recording, click play.

To see output in log

adb logcat | grep grpc

To see the signals in Kitchen Sink selinux needs to be set to permissive on top of adb root. This needs to be done after each reboot.

adb shell setenforce 0

Dicslaimer: VHAL crashes when the grpc-service is closed. I've tried to close the socker properly but it didn't help. Can'f find a way on how to fix this from the socket client, probably we need to patch VHAL to make it behave nice.

In your pixel you can now start KITCHEN SINK and navigate to PROPERTY TEST and select relevant signals such as PERF_STEERING_ANGLE or PERF_VEHICLE_SPEED

You should now see the following. If the app reports "Failed to get VHAL property" force quitting KITCHEN SINK helps.


If you build on a build server/remote server you can still use adb, inspiration here


This is done with inspiration from

