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Tested on Java LTS versions from 11 to 21.

Tested on Gradle versions from 7.1 to 8.13.

name.remal.generate-sources plugin

configuration cache: supported from v2

plugins {
    id 'name.remal.generate-sources' version '2.0.0-rc-3'


This plugin simplifies sources generation for JVM projects. It helps with registering all the necessary dependencies and makes generated sources visible to an IDE.

Basic configuration looks like this:

generateSources {
  forMainSourceSet {
    java { /* ... */ } // configure Java sources generation
    resources { /* ... */ } // configure resources generation
    groovy { /* ... */ } // configure Groovy sources generation

  forSourceSet(sourceSets.test) { /* ... */ } // to generate sources for other source sets (`test` in this case)

Generate Java sources

This configuration {
  classFile('pkg', 'Logic') {
    addStaticImport('java.util.Arrays', 'asList')
    block("public class ${simpleName}") {
      suppressWarningsLine('unchecked', 'rawtypes')
      block('public static List execute()') {
        line('return asList(')
        ident {
            "\"${escapeString('multi\bline\nstring')}\"", // `escapeString` will escape Java string

... generates build/generated/generateJava/pkg/ file:

package pkg;

import static java.util.Arrays.asList;

import java.util.List;

public class Logic {

  @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
  public static List execute() {
    return asList(


The generated file will be compiled by the compileJava task.

Generate text resources

This configuration

generateSources.forMainSourceSet.resources {
  textFile('file.txt') {
    line('This is a text file')
    line('with many lines')

... generates build/generated/generateResources/file.txt file:

This is a text file
with many lines

The generated file will be processed by the processResources task.

The delegate object of the generateSources.forMainSourceSet.resources.textFile {} closure is an extended with these additional methods:

  • writeFormat(String format, Object... args) - creates a string using String.format() and passes it to the write()
  • copyFrom( reader) - copy the content from the reader
  • newLine() - overrides by writing a line separator from .editorconfig or \n by default (the default implementation writes system line separator that depend on the current OS)
  • line(String line) - write(line) + newLine()
  • line(String format, Object... args) - creates a string using String.format() and passes it to line()
  • line() - executes newLine()

The goals of the additional methods are to simplify the usage of (by adding writeFormat() and copyFrom() methods) and to make usage experience consistent with classes generation (by adding line() methods).

Generate binary resources

This configuration

generateSources.forMainSourceSet.resources {
  binaryFile('file.bin') {
    write([1, 2, 3] as byte[])

... generates build/generated/generateResources/file.bin file with the content of three bytes: 1, 2, and 3.

The generated file will be processed by the processResources task.

The delegate object of the generateSources.forMainSourceSet.resources.binaryFile {} closure is an extended with this additional method:

  • copyFrom( inputStream) - copy the content from the input stream

The goal of the additional method is to simplify the usage of (by adding copyFrom() method).

Generate Groovy sources

This configuration

generateSources.forMainSourceSet.groovy {
  classFile('pkg', 'Logic') {
    addStaticImport('java.util.Arrays', 'asList')
    block("class ${simpleName}") {
      suppressWarningsLine('unchecked', 'rawtypes')
      block('static List execute()') {
        line('return asList(')
        ident {
            "\"${escapeString('multi\bline\nstring')}\"", // `escapeString` will escape Groovy string

... generates build/generated/generateGroovy/pkg/Logic.groovy file:

package pkg

import static java.util.Arrays.asList

class Logic {

  @SuppressWarnings(["unchecked", "rawtypes"])
  static List execute() {
    return asList(


The generated file will be compiled by the compileGroovy task.

Migration guide

Version 1.* to 2.*

The plugin was fully rewritten. There were no intentions to keep it backward compatible.