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Massimo Melina edited this page Jun 6, 2024 · 21 revisions

File permissions are set in Admin-panel > Shared files, by using the "Who can..." fields, or the "Masks" field.

Difference between SEE and LIST permissions

When you enter a folder, you are first checked if you can LIST at all. If you don't, operation is aborted; if you do, we start listing, and include in the list only what you have permission to SEE.

Example 1: if you enter a folder and you don't have LIST permission, you will be said so. You are not receiving an empty list, but an error message.

Example 2: if you enter a folder and you don't have SEE permission, you will see an empty list and have the illusion there's nothing there.

NB: In both examples above, if you have a direct link to files in the folder, you can still use the link to download them.

Additional notes

  • Folders that are served as web-pages (index.html), don't allow listing.


Make folders not accessible by default

If you want your folders to not be accessible unless you give access to a specific account

  • click on Virtual File System > home
    • permissions are inherited, so setting something on the home can affect all the rest
  • set "Who can download" to "none"
    • prevent access
  • set "Who can list" to "any account"
    • otherwise you cannot even enter the home page
    • because of any-account, you will automatically get the login dialog. If you don't want that, you can set "anyone" instead.

Make folder where anyone can upload but not see uploaded files

  • set "see" permission to "anyone" (or "inherited")
    • under it, click "Set different permission for folder content", and set the new field to "no one"
  • set "download" permission to "no one"
  • set "upload" permission to "anyone"
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