Releases: rejetto/hfs
Releases · rejetto/hfs
- admin/fs: easier to select accounts
- removed email for letsencrypt certificates, as they are dismissing it
- a few fixes
Full Changelog: v0.57.0-alpha1...v0.57.0-beta2
- admin/accounts: show as tree
- admin/accounts: button to delete all members of a group
- admin/accounts: notes
- admin/options: new "comments storage" option
- admin/logs: show explanation for http status codes #908
- admin/logs: new "disconnections" log
- admin/logs: speed for downloads and uploads #886
- admin/logs: show upload size in size column
- admin/plugins/installed: dedicated view for plugin's log #911
- admin/plugin/updates: new "change log" column #897
- admin/fs: entries are now sorted
- admin/custom: switch to disable
- admin: show loading progress
- a few news for plugins
Full Changelog: v0.56.0...v0.57.0-alpha1
- folder-menu: new "size" row
- search: by comment #494
- customizable icons #487
- upload: automatic resume
- order by creation-time #872
- admin/home: "install previous version" and "install other version"
- admin/options: new "Outbound proxy" #812
- admin/accounts: new "Allowed network address" #864
- admin: syntax highlight for html, css, js, yaml
- admin/accounts: new "require password change" option #562
- admin/shared: new "order" field
- file-show: autoplay first file
- preserve modified-time uploading
- faster serving on huge folders
- tab to navigate the focus-typing
- admin/internet: show last result for dyndns
- env DISABLE_UPDATE (for containers)
- more news for plugins
- some fixes and other minor improvements
Full Changelog: v0.55.4...v0.56.0
a few fixes and updated translations
Full Changelog: v0.56.0-rc10...v0.56.0-rc11
a few fixes
Full Changelog: v0.56.0-rc9...v0.56.0-rc10
a few fixes and minor improvements
Full Changelog: v0.56.0-rc7...v0.56.0-rc9
- fix: error pressing ESC in "comment" dialog
- fix: admin/logs: risk of duplicated lines
- faster serving on huge folders
- tab to navigate the focus-typing
- plugins: api.getAccount, addAccount, delAccount, updateAccount, renameAccount
- admin/internet: show last result for dyndns
Full Changelog: v0.56.0-beta6...v0.56.0-rc7
fix: HFS startup hang for users with a large, old-format download-counter file (counters.yaml)
Full Changelog: v0.56.0-beta5...v0.56.0-beta6
- upload: automatic resume
- preserve modified-time uploading
- other fixes and minor improvements
Full Changelog: v0.56.0-beta4...v0.56.0-beta5
- admin/accounts: new "require password change" option #562
- admin/shared: new "order" field
- admin/home: "install previous version"
- admin/home: "install other version"
- file-show: autoplay first file
- other fixes and minor improvements
Full Changelog: v0.56.0-alpha3...v0.56.0-beta4