Added a progress bar "inside" the middle ring. It's kind of hard to see on default settings as it's only visible when the middle ring isn't. I disabled ring jitter and bounce in the preview to make it easier to see. You can also change the color of the progress bar (and every part of the skin) in the settings file!
Skycoder uses WebNowPlaying to get the progress of any media you play in your browser. If you don't already have the WNP browser extension, see the WNP docs for installation instructions. Skycoder comes with the WNP Rainmeter plugin but the browser extension is also required.
Song in the preview: Slushii - Cool Cat
Wallpaper in the preview: 日向の幽霊
The progress bar is an Arc shape meter and it's available as a separate snippet: Arc. Useful if you want to make a meter follow an elliptical path or if you just want a more customizable RoundLine meter.