- Use Chrome browser to open the project!
- SonarCloud
- Access neural.fy;
- Type your name or at least three characters in Login and Password;
- Type the artist name in Search field;
- Discover my application.
- Press .
in your keyboard.
- Clone the repository using SSH;
- Via CLI Terminal, access the folder where you cloned the repository and type
npm i
in the terminal; npm start
.- Open your browser with localhost:3000 as URL!
- ReactJS;
- React Redux;
- react-icons;
- Pure CSS and Globally.
- By clicking in logo, you'll be redirected to the search page(/search) with the last search.
- Search albums using the artist name;
- Artist exists?
Yes → Return results in page.
No → Return 'No results found for "your input search".' - Result will be rendered in the screen.
- Play and stop songs;
- Favorite and disfavor songs;
- Filter by title name, album name, duration time and reset filter(#);
- User profile picture beside of Album picture.
- Search;
- Favorites;
- Profile;
- Favorites songs in place of playlists;
- Pause favorite song if it is playing.
- Play/pause in friends picture;
- Songs name: redirect to the album song;
- Artist name: show albums of the artist.
- Album picture redirects to the album page;
- Artist name too;
- Song name: redirect to the album song;
- Favorite/unfavorite songs.
- Shuffle/unshuffle;
- Prev/next songs;
- Play/pause songs;
- Repeat current song;
- Set the time on progress bar.
- Github icon: redirects to my Github;
- Linkedin icon: redirects to my Linkedin;
- Paper icon: redirects to this current documentation.
- Mute/unmute;
- Set the sound volume.
- Edit:
- Name;
- E-mail;
- Picture(based in picture URL);
- Description. - After changing the profile info, it will be modified globally.
- Delay when favorite button is clicked inside Album(promise in usersAPI is a main cause);
- When is on the last song in that collection and 30s is fullfiled, next song is the second in that collection.
Project story:
In the beginning of the project, I want to make a Spotify clone and the required project was to make only some functionalities like favorite/unfavorite, with some restrictions about apresentation to the client, consume data from api and show in the page using React Life-Cycle. So talking about the aesthetic side, it's a free choice and I want to go beyond and recreate the same design and functionalities of the Spotify app with Friends Activity and Player.
- [20/20] - Remove the max of code smells until date 05/18. (Fullfilled 05/19)
- Make requisitions and consume data provided by iTunes API;
- Use React Component Life-Cycle;
- Control states;
- Use route control with BrowserRouter;
- Create routes and map the correct path;
- Make persistent components to be showed in screen with Switch;
- React-Redux to store in global storage;
- Integration between app without Redux and implement Redux.
- Make persistent components in Desktop, optimize for Mobile and Tablet Screens;
- Begin integration with Redux, because when I started the project I hadn't the knowledge about Redux or Context API;
- UI Alignment in Album filters with listed songs in Album and Favorite routes, because they use the same component;
- Progress bar/volume bar, very difficult and it's not 100% optmized(CSS Optimization for Chrome only);
- Remove keyboard from screen;
- I didn't found a way to make a function to Zoom Out after trigger Input in mobile screens, so I used minimum requirements for some Browsers to not trigger;
- CORS errors and was the last thing I solved.
Files provided by Trybe:
↳ favoriteSongsAPI.js
↳ getSongsAPI.js
↳ userAPI.js
Change logs:
Project started on the day 14/02/2022 while student at Trybe and optimized in my spare time!
reisblucas ©