A hyper-parameter library for researchers, data scientists and machine learning engineers.
from hyperparameter import HyperParameter
params = HyperParameter(a=1, b={'c': 2})
params.a == 1 # True
params.b.c == 2 # True (nested parameter)
or becomes powerful with params()
params().a.b.c.getOrElse(3) # 3 (default value)
params().a.b.c(3) # 3 (shortcut for default value)
params().a.b.c = 4 # set value to param `a.b.c`
params().a.b.c(3) # 4 (default value is ignored)
from hyperparameter import param_scope
# scoped parameter
with param_scope(a=1) as hp:
hp.a == 1 # True
or becomes powerful with nested scope
with param_scope(a=1) as hp:
with param_scope(a=2) as hp:
hp.a == 2 # True, a=2 for inner scope
hp.a == 1 # True, a=1 for outer scope
even more powerful when using param_scope
in function:
#change function behavior with scoped parameter:
def foo(arg):
# receive parameter using param_scope
with param_scope() as hp:
if (hp().param1.getOrElse(1) == 1):
return 1
return 2
# call function with default parameter
foo() # 1
# passing parameter using param_scope
with param_scope(param1=2):
foo() # 2
@auto_param #convert keyword arguments into hyper parameters
def model_train(X, y, learning_rate = 1.0, penalty = 'l1'):
LR = LogisticRegression(C=1.0,
LR.fit(X, y)
# specify predefined parameter using `param_scope`
with param_scope('model_train.learning_rate=0.01'):
model_train(X, y)
This example shows how to use hyperparameter in your research projects, and make your experiments reproducible.
This example shows experiment management with hyperparameter, and tracing the results with mlflow.tracing.