Disqus contains a 3rd-party script to be loaded during page rendering. The code block for loading it shows that the static comments are not rendered as static HTML code. This hinders search engines from grabbing the comments, which are part of the site's content.
To see more reasons for migrating from Disqus, you may view
You may avoid these problems by switching to Staticman, which makes use of GitHub/GitLab Pull/Merge Requests instead of issues. Under Staticman's model, static comments are YML/JSON files stored in the remote GitHub/GitLab repo (usually under data/comments, configurable through the path parameter in root-level staticman.yml), and through a static blog generator (Jekyll/Hugo/etc), the stored data are rendered as part of the content. This gives a total ownership of a static site's comments.
ℹ️ There're many ways to Rome, say JAM Stack, Jekyll AWS comments, etc.