One domain:
gourlex -t -s -uO > gourlex_results
nuclei -l gourlex_results -tags token,tokens,takeover -es unknown -rl 500 -c 100 -silent
Multiple domains (via file)
gourlex -f domains.txt -s -uO > gourlex_results
nuclei -l gourlex_results -tags token,tokens,takeover -es unknown -rl 500 -c 100 -silent
Gourlex is a simple tool that can be used to extract URLs and paths from web pages. It can be helpful during web application assessments to uncover additional targets.
- URLs and Paths Extraction
- The tool can be used to extract only URLs, only paths, or both.
- Silent mode for easy integration with other tools
- The tool provides a silent mode, making it easy to integrate its output into other tools during the reconnaissance and enumeration phases.
go install
gourlex -h
This will display help for the tool. Here are all the arguments it supports.
gourlex [arguments]
The arguments are:
-t string Specify the target URL (e.g., or
-p string Specify the proxy URL (e.g.,
-c string Specify cookies (e.g., user_token=g3p21ip21h;
-r string Specify headers (e.g., Myheader: test
-s Silent Mode, avoid printing banner and other messages
-uO Extract only full URLs
-pO Extract only URL paths
-h Display help
gourlex -t
gourlex -t -s -uO > gourlex_results
nuclei -l gourlex_results -tags token,tokens,takeover,provider -es unknown -rl 500 -c 100 -silent
Get-Content domains | ForEach-Object { gourlex -t $_ -s -uO | Out-File -Append gourlex_results }
nuclei -l gourlex_results -tags token,tokens,takeover,provider -es unknown -rl 500 -c 100 -silent
while IFS= read -r line; do gourlex -t $line -s -uO; done < domains >> gourlex_results
nuclei -l gourlex_results -tags token,tokens,takeover,provider -es unknown -rl 500 -c 100 -silent
Взято из статей по взлому жепы Firebase. Это всё один ресёрч, разбитый по трём блогам
nuclei -l gourlex_results -id firebase-config-exposure -rl 500 -c 100 -silent