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Reem Mokhtar reem.mokhtar


Using Terraform and Ansible to provision, Jenkins to Automate Maven packing of WAR file and deployment to Tomcat 9

Table Of Contents



Terraform, an open-source IaC is used to spin up a EC2 server instance, a deployment instance and S3 bucket to upload ansible provisioning playbooks.

Directory Structure

├── aws_terraform.pem
├── ansible_provisioning
│   ├── ...

13 directories, 22 files


  1. Create a key pair in AWS, download and replace aws_terraform.pem.
  2. Copy VPC ID from AWS and place in as the default value for vpc_id.
  3. Copy Ubuntu AMI id and place in as the default value for ami_id.
  4. Copy AWS access key, secret key, and token and place in as the default value for aws_access_key, aws_secret_key, aws_token.
  5. Run terraform commands in the cloned directory:
  • terraform init
  • terraform plan
  • terraform apply -auto-approve

Summary of Steps Performed

  1. Terraform
    1. Spun up S3 bucket
    2. Spun up 2 EC2 instances, provisioning server and deployment, and generated their public and private ips. Attached necessary IAM role to EC2 instances to access S3 bucket.
    3. Placed Ansible provisioning playbooks and roles, with inventory file for deployment ip address. Zipped using Terraform and uploaded to S3 bucket.
    4. Downloaded ansible playbook using awscli commands from S3 bucket to EC2 provisioning server. Unzipped. Generated ssh keys to connect with deployment server and uploaded to S3 bucket.
    5. Downloaded ssh public key from S3 bucket using awscli commands to deployment instance and appended to ssh authorized keys.
    6. Used Terraform to run ansible playbooks.
  2. Ansible
    1. Tomcat setup on deployment server.
    2. Clone and build "Hello World" WAR file using maven on provisioning server.
    3. Deploy WAR file and restart Tomcat on deployment server.
  3. Jenkins
    1. Manual setup of pipeline in previous step
    2. Testing and validating pipeline.


1. Setup

1. Basic Setup

Inside, we ensure that Terraform uses a specific version for Terraform and our required providers (aws).

required_version = ">= 1.0" # semver 
      required_providers {
        aws = {
          source = "hashicorp/aws"
          version = "4.55.0"

Inside, we setup the requirements for our Virtual Private Cloud and instance settings, as well as the AWS key aws_terraform_keyname for creating, managing and accessing our resources.

variable "ami_id" {
    default = "ami-00eeedc4036573771" 
variable "vpc_id"{
variable "aws_terraform_keyname" {
    default = "aws_terraform"
variable "aws_access_key" {
    default = "..."
variable "aws_secret_key" {
default = "..."
variable "aws_token" {
  default = "..."
variable "region" {
    default = "us-east-2"

Inside, we use the variables we specified earlier to

locals {
  ami_id = "${var.ami_id}"
  vpc_id = "${var.vpc_id}"
  ssh_user = "ubuntu"
  key_name = "${var.aws_terraform_keyname}"
  private_key_path = "${var.aws_terraform_keyname}.pem"

2. Security Groups

Both provisioning and deployment servers require a security group. Since both require ports 22, 80, 8080, we can use the same security group for both.

resource "aws_security_group" "server_sec_group" {
	name   = "server_sec_group"
	vpc_id = local.vpc_id

  ingress {
		from_port   = 22
		to_port     = 22
		protocol    = "tcp"
		cidr_blocks = [""]
  ingress {
		from_port   = 80
		to_port     = 80
		protocol    = "tcp"
		cidr_blocks = [""]
  ingress {
		from_port   = 8080
		to_port     = 8080
		protocol    = "tcp"
		cidr_blocks = [""]
  egress {
		from_port   = 0
		to_port     = 0
		protocol    = "-1"
		cidr_blocks = [""]

3. S3 bucket

In, the bucket name and acl are defined, with a public-read access control list (ACL).

variable "bucket_name" {
    default = "project2-reem-ansibledir"
variable "acl_value" {
    default = "public-read"

In, the S3 bucket is defined:

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "b1" {
  bucket = "${var.bucket_name}" 
  tags = {
    Name        = "${var.bucket_name}"
    Environment = "Dev"

resource "aws_s3_bucket_acl" "ansible_provision" {
  bucket =
  acl    = "${var.acl_value}"

4. IAM role

In order to facility access from the provisioning and deployment servers to the S3 bucket, an Identity and Access Management policy and role need to be defined and applied to the server instances. Otherwise, downloading and uploading objects to and from the servers will not work with awscli.

In, a aws_iam_policy is defined that can allow for access to all objects under an AWS S3 bucket.

resource "aws_iam_policy" "access-s3-policy" {
  name        = "S3-access-policy"
  description = "Provides permission to access S3"

  policy = jsonencode({
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

A aws_iam_role is created that allows EC2 instances with this policy attached to assume this role.

resource "aws_iam_role" "access_bucket_role" {
  name = "access_bucket_role"

  assume_role_policy = jsonencode({
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "Service": [
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"


The defined aws_iam_policy is attached to the defined aws_iam_role through a aws_iam_policy_attachment.

resource "aws_iam_policy_attachment" "bucket-role-attach" {
  name       = "role-attachment"
  roles      = []
  policy_arn = aws_iam_policy.access-s3-policy.arn

The defined aws_iam_role is passed through an aws_iam_instance_profile.

resource "aws_iam_instance_profile" "access-s3-profile" {
  name = "access-s3-profile"
  role =

2. Provisioning and Deployment Server Instances

1. Provisioning Server

In, the aws_instance for the provisioning server takes in the machine image ami for ubuntu, belongs to the same VPC and has the same security group applied, the same AWS key, and aws_iam_instance_profile that we created earlier in the IAM section. Connection details are standard. Under user_data:

  • We perform an apt update.
  • Install awscli to upload and download to the S3 bucket.
  • Install ansible to provision the deployment server.
  • Install git to clone the necessary repository
  • Install maven to package the WAR file and
  • Install java and jenkins as required.

To overcome interactive prompts that can halt application of the script when starting the instance, the -y option is provided.

resource "aws_instance" "ansible_provisioning_server" {
  ami = local.ami_id
  instance_type = "t2.micro"
  associate_public_ip_address = "true"
  vpc_security_group_ids =[]
  key_name = local.key_name
  iam_instance_profile =

  tags = {
    Name = "Ansible_Provisioning_Server"

  connection {
    type = "ssh"
    host = self.public_ip
    user = local.ssh_user
    private_key = file(local.private_key_path)
    timeout = "4m"
  user_data = <<EOF
sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:ansible/ansible
curl -fsSL | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc > /dev/null
echo deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc] binary/ | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list > /dev/null
sudo apt update
sudo apt install unzip -y
sudo apt install ansible -y
sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk -y
sudo apt install maven -y
sudo apt install awscli -y
sudo apt install git -y
sudo apt install jenkins -y
sudo systemctl start jenkins.service 

2. Deployment Server

In, the aws_instance for the deployment server takes in the machine image ami for ubuntu, belongs to the same VPC and has the same security group applied, the same AWS key, and aws_iam_instance_profile that we created earlier in the IAM section. Connection details are standard. Under user_data:

  • We perform an apt update
  • Install acl to support access control list querying and setting for S3 buckets through CLI.
  • Install awscli to upload and download to the S3 bucket.

To overcome interactive prompts that can halt application of the script when starting the instance, the -y option is provided.

resource "aws_instance" "ansible_deployment" {
  ami = local.ami_id
  instance_type = "t2.micro"
  associate_public_ip_address = "true"
  vpc_security_group_ids =[]
  key_name = local.key_name
  iam_instance_profile =

  tags = {
    Name = "Ansible_Provisioning_Deployment"

  connection {
    type = "ssh"
    host = self.public_ip
    user = local.ssh_user
    private_key = file(local.private_key_path)
    timeout = "4m"
   user_data = <<EOF
sudo apt update
sudo apt install acl -y
sudo apt install awscli -y

Creation of AWS Instances:

Creation of AWS Instances

Creation of AWS resources mentioned

Creation of AWS resources mentioned

3. Inventory file in Ansible Provisioning Directory

Once the AWS EC2 instances are spun up, we would like to save the deployment server's private IP address in a inventory file under the directory ansible_provisioning.

Should we end up performing terraform destroy, I would like to remove the file that is generated further on.

To that end, we add the following local_file resource, which writes out the private ip address under the group [webservers]. In order to avoid the interactive prompt when performing ssh to add the new host to the host group, we add the StrictHostKeyChecking=no argument to the variables of the host group.

resource "local_file" "tf_ansible_inventory" {
  content = <<-DOC
    # Generated by Terraform mgmt configuration.


    ansible_ssh_common_args="-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"
  filename = "./ansible_provisioning/inventory"
  provisioner "local-exec" {
    when    = destroy
    command = "rm"

4. Zipping Ansible Provisioning Directory

In order to upload the directory to the S3 bucket, the simplest way is to compress it prior to the upload. This can be done via the archive_file data source, with the source directory specified as ansible_provisioning, which contains all ansible playbooks, roles, and the newly-generated inventory file. I also add the depends_on meta-argument to allow the compression only to be performed when the inventory file has been created in the ansible_provisioning directory.

data "archive_file" "data_backup" {
  type        = "zip"
  source_dir = "./ansible_provisioning"
  output_path = "${var.ansible_zip}"
  depends_on = [

5. Upload to S3 bucket

To upload the zip file that was created in the previous step, we use the aws_s3_object resource and specify the source to be the newly-created zip file. I also set the depends_on meta-argument to depend on the previous step.

# Upload an object
resource "aws_s3_object" "upload_ansible" {
    bucket =
    key = "${var.ansible_zip}"
    source = "${var.ansible_zip}"
    #etag = filemd5("${var.ansible_zip}")
depends_on = [

Created S3 bucket on AWS:

Created S3 bucket on AWS

6. Ansible Provisioning Directory Download to Provisioning Server

To start setting up the provisioning server and download the from our S3 bucket, we will need to use a null_resource which connects to the aws instance ansible_provisioning_server that has just been created.

First, we generate the ssh rsa key-pair. To avoid interactive prompts, we first make sure we are using the shell #!/bin/bash, and pass <<< y to ensure yes is passed to the ssh-keygen prompt.

Next, we want to make sure that the unzip and awscli packages have been installed before proceeding, so we perform a while loop that sleeps 10 seconds if the desired command does not succeed.

sudo aws s3 cp /home/ubuntu/.ssh/ s3://${}/

This copies the newly-generated ssh public key to the S3 bucket. This will be downloaded to the deployment server later.

sudo aws s3 cp s3://${}/ .

This will download the zip file from our S3 bucket to the current (home) directory in the provisioning server.


This will unzip the file that was just downloaded.

resource "null_resource" "InitialSetup" {
  connection {
    type = "ssh"
    host = aws_instance.ansible_provisioning_server.public_ip
    user = local.ssh_user
    private_key = file(local.private_key_path)
    timeout = "4m"

  provisioner "remote-exec" {
    inline = [
      "ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -N '' -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa <<<y >/dev/null 2>&1",
      "cat ~/.ssh/",
      "while ! which unzip; do sleep 10; echo \"Sleeping for a bit to make sure unzip is installed.\"; done",
      "while ! which aws; do sleep 10; echo \"Sleeping for a bit to make sure awscli is installed.\"; done",
      "sudo aws s3 cp /home/ubuntu/.ssh/ s3://${}/",
      "sudo aws s3 cp s3://${}/ .",
  depends_on = [

Terraform execution of `null_resource.Initial_Setup - ssh connection and generation of rsa key pair:

Terraform execution of null_resource.Initial_Setup - ssh connection and generation of rsa key pair

Terraform execution of `null_resource.Initial_Setup - upload public key, download zip and perform unzip:

Terraform execution of `null_resource.Initial_Setup - upload public key, download zip and perform unzip

Ansible provisioning server contents after performing unzip:

Ansible provisioning server contents after performing unzip

7. Copy SSH Public Key to Deployment Server

In order to allow ansible to connect to the deployment server from the provisioning server, we need to copy the public key from the S3 bucket to the deployment server.

resource "null_resource" "CopyPubTodeployment" {
  connection {
    type = "ssh"
    host = aws_instance.ansible_deployment.public_ip
    user = local.ssh_user
    private_key = file(local.private_key_path)
    timeout = "4m"

  provisioner "remote-exec" {
    inline = [
      "while ! which aws; do sleep 10; echo \"Sleeping for a bit...\"; done",
      "sudo aws s3 cp s3://${}/ .",
      "cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys",
  depends_on = [

Terraform execution of null_resource.CopyPubTodeployment - ssh connection and download of public key:

Terraform execution of null_resource.CopyPubTodeployment - ssh connection and download of public key

Above, we use a null resource to connect to the deployment server, check that awscli is installed, then copy the public key into authorize_keys.

sudo aws s3 cp s3://${}/ .
cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

We will halt discussing our Terraform setup for now and jump to ansible, where we run ansible-playbook commands from within Terraform using playbooks.


1. Tomcat Setup on Deployment Server

Here is the folder structure for ansible_provisioning:

├── tomcat_playbook.yml
├── deploy_war.yml
├── inventory
├── tomcat_installation_role
│   ├── ...
├── deploy_war_role
│   ├── ...
└── maven_build_role
    ├── ...

The two YAML files tomcat_playbook.yml and deploy_war.yml perform Tomcat installation and WAR deployment on the deployment server from the ansible provisioning server. They use the inventory file with our host groups and the roles defined the the *_role directories.

We use tomcat_playbook.yml and directory tomcat_installation_role. The YAML instructions here are a slightly-modified version of the ones from

1. tomcat_playbook.yml

- name: Install Tomcat
  hosts: webservers
  become: true
    - TOMCAT9_URL: "" 
    - role: tomcat_installation_role

This specifies that the task is applied to the host group webservers and requires privilege escalation to root. It also defines the variable TOMCAT9_URL with the URL for tomcat version 9, and calls on the role defined in the tomcat_installation_role directory.

2. Tomcat Installation

├── files
│   ├── localhost
│   │   ├── host-manager.xml
│   │   └── manager.xml
│   └── tomcat-users.xml
├── tasks
│   └── main.yml
└── tests
    ├── inventory
    └── test.yml
  1. Files:

    As a quick-workaround to configuring gui-manager admin settings (not recommended):

    1. We modify and overwrite the built-in tomcat-users.xml configuration file as suggested with username: admin, password cu1984.
    2. To allow external access to the manager, we need to modify host-manager.xml and manager.xml and place them under the localhost directory under conf/Catalina. You can see this in the next section.
  2. Tasks:

    Under tomcat_installation_role/tasks/main.yml

    # tasks file for tomcat_installation_role
    - name: Update apt-get repo and cache
      apt: update_cache=yes force_apt_get=yes cache_valid_time=3600 
    - name: Install Java
        name: openjdk-11-jdk
        state: present
    - name: Download Tomcat
        url: "{{ TOMCAT9_URL }}"
        dest: /tmp/
        validate_certs: no
    - name: Creating Apache Tomcat home directory.
      command: mkdir /opt/tomcat   
    - name: Extract Tomcat
      shell: tar -xzvf /tmp/apache-tomcat-*tar.gz -C /opt/tomcat --strip-components=1
    - name: overwrite localhost in conf/Catalina
        src: localhost/
        dest: /opt/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost
    - name: overwrite tomcat-users.xml in conf
        src: tomcat-users.xml
        dest: /opt/tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml
    - name: Start Tomcat
      shell: /opt/tomcat/bin/
      ignore_errors: true
    - name: Wait for Tomcat to start
        host: localhost
        port: 8080
        state: started
    - name: Connect to Tomcat server on port 8080 and check status 200 - Try 5 times
      tags: test
        url: http://localhost:8080
      register: result
      until: "result.status == 200"
      retries: 5
      delay: 10

This role is clear, but can be explained further in the link referenced above.

2. Build and Deploy WAR

We use deploy_war.yml, and directories maven_build_role, and deploy_war_role

- name: clone repo from github and build package with maven
  hosts: localhost
  become: true
    - role: maven_build_role
- name: deploy war file to tomcat in deployment
  hosts: webservers
  become: true
    - role: deploy_war_role

1. Clone and Build Hello World WAR File

├── tasks
│   └── main.yml
└── tests
    ├── inventory
    └── test.yml


# tasks file for maven_build_role
- name: clone repo
    dest: /home/ubuntu/sparkjava-war-example
    clone: yes
- name: run maven command mvn package
    chdir: sparkjava-war-example
    cmd: mvn package

2. Deploy WAR File and Restart Tomcat on Deployment Server

├── tasks
│   └── main.yml
└── tests
    ├── inventory
    └── test.yml


# tasks file for deploy_war_role
- name: clone repo
    src: /home/ubuntu/sparkjava-war-example/target/sparkjava-hello-world-1.0.war
    dest: /opt/tomcat/webapps/sparkjava-hello-world-1.0.war
- name: Shutdown Tomcat
  shell: /opt/tomcat/bin/
  ignore_errors: true

- name: Start Tomcat
  shell: /opt/tomcat/bin/
  ignore_errors: true

- name: Wait for Tomcat to start
    host: localhost
    port: 8080
    state: started

- name: Connect to Tomcat server on port 8080 and check status 200 - Try 5 times
  tags: test
    url: http://localhost:8080
  register: result
  until: "result.status == 200"
  retries: 5
  delay: 10

3. Run Ansible Plays in Terraform

resource "null_resource" "FinalSetup" {
  connection {
    type = "ssh"
    host = aws_instance.ansible_provisioning_server.public_ip
    user = local.ssh_user
    private_key = file(local.private_key_path)
    timeout = "4m"

  provisioner "remote-exec" {
    inline = [
      "ansible-playbook -i ./inventory tomcat_playbook.yml",
      "ansible-playbook -i inventory deploy_war.yml",
      "echo \"URL: http://${aws_instance.ansible_deployment.public_ip}:8080/sparkjava-hello-world-1.0/hello\"",
      "sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword"
  depends_on = [

Terraform execution of null_resource.FinalSetup - running ansible playbooks and printing deployment server URL Hello World webapp:

Terraform execution of null_resource.FinalSetup - running ansible playbooks

Contents of Tomcat deployment server /opt/tomcat directory:

Contents of Tomcat deployment server /opt/tomcat directory

Terraform execution of null_resource.FinalSetup - printing deployment server URL Hello World webapp:*

Terraform execution of null_resource.FinalSetup - printing deployment server URL Hello World webapp


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