How to get (almost) real time gas usage metric from a Gazpar meter using a zigbee button and Home Assistant
Based on 1.
As with any DIY project there is a chance of damage or injury and we are dealing with gas. Follow this guide at your own risk.
- Home assistant
- A Gazpar meter or compatible
- a Zigbee button, I recommend an Ikea one because they have a magnet on the back and the meter has a steel casing
- a JAE connector. Either buy one or print one, instruction below
The Gazpar has a dry contact that closes for 300ms every 10L of gaz.
We can use this dry contact to close a zigbee switch that triggers a Home Assistant automations which in turn increment a counter.
If you do not have a pre-made cable, you can use the Gazpar-MX44-Connector.3mf
file for prusaslicer with pre-configured supports, originally from2. Just add Dupont female connectors and some hot glue to secure them.
Just solder the cable across a switch of your Zibgee button. Plug the connector into the side of your meter.
I'm using Zigbee2Mqtt but you can use other systems, you'll need to adapt the trigger.
This is the variable that stores the amount of Liters that have been used.
min: 0
max: 100000000000
name: gas_counter
icon: "mdi:gas-station"
mode: box
This increment the counter above by 10 every time the zigbee button is "pressed" (read: the dry contact is closed).
- alias: ⛽️ Increment gas counter
- platform: mqtt
topic: zigbee2mqtt/<name of the button>/action
payload: '<state when it's pressed>'
- service: input_number.set_value
value: "{{ states('input_number.gas_counter') | int + 10 | int }}"
entity_id: input_number.gas_counter
mode: single
This will create a sensor in cubic meters as Home assistant will require it for the gas utility meter and the dashboard.
- sensor:
- name: "Gas Volume"
unit_of_measurement: 'm³'
state: "{{ states('input_number.gas_counter') | int / 1000 | round(3) }}"
device_class: gas
state_class: total
You can now add it to your energy dashboard!
Used for stats:
source: sensor.gas_volume
cycle: daily
source: sensor.gas_volume
cycle: weekly
source: sensor.gas_volume
cycle: monthly
source: sensor.gas_volume
cycle: quarterly
source: sensor.gas_volume
cycle: yearly