openedon Jun 20, 2024
Had already used import;
without issue.
Tried adding @WithSecurityContext
to same class.
As I was typing, only 4 With*
classes showed up (there are 6), and not the one I needed.
I go up to the imports, duplicate the WithMockUser line, delete "MockUser", hit Ctrl+Space, and all 6 With* classes show up! Why does it work here, but not at the class annotation?
I expect these would always show up.
I expect that after typing the full proper class name, that Ctrl+. would find the class and offer to import it.
If I type "@with", hit Ctrl+Space to bring up completion (still just shows the 4), continue with "Se", the suggestions are logical, but once I hit "c" I would expect the suggestions to go away, as there are no more logical ones. However, it stays up - no matter how much I hit Ctrl+Space to update it. (It appears like me activating it with my earlier Ctrl+Space has now prevented it from closing, even when the data is completed outdated, until you click away or hit Esc.)
Having a single minor issue preventing virtually all completion from working is already annoying enough, can't we have at least 1 thing that's nice?
- Operating System: Windows 10 + WSL 2 Ubuntu
- JDK version: WSL 2 Ubuntu openjdk-21
- Visual Studio Code version: 1.90.2
- Java extension version: 1.31.0
- Spring Initializer project init'd a few days ago - current.