Java basic data structures: give brief description (usage and difference) on ArrayList, HashMap and HashSet
All of them only allow non-primitive dataTypes.
- ArrayList
- It is implemented on arrays and dymanic by size.
- Allows null and can add duplicates.
- It is an implementation of Collections Interface, had add(), get(), remove() major methods.
- Maintains Inserion Order, so we can access by index.
List<String> values = new ArrayList<>(); values.add("T1"); values.add("T1"); values.add("T2"); values.add(null); values.remove("T2"); /** Output : ["T1","T2",null, "T2"] **/
- HashMap
- Key-value datastructure
- Does not store duplicate key, replaces exisitng value if trying to add same key.
- Allows null as Key.
- HashMap internal implementation works on concept of Key Hashing.
While put(), based on the hashCode() of key, calculate an index and store accodingly.
While get(), calculate the index by key and get the index. Then get the value by key.
Map<Integer, String> values = new HashMap<>(); values.put(1, "T1"); values.put(1,"T2"); values.put(null, "T3"); /** Output : {null=T3, 1=T2} **/
- HashSet
- Does not store duplicates
- null can be added.
- No insertion order manintained, and no index accessing.
Set<String> values = new HashSet<>(); values.add("T1"); values.add("T1"); values.add("T2"); values.add(null); /** Output : [null,"T1","T2"] **/
Java8+ features (name and code snippet, e.g. Optional, stream api, lambda expression) (at least 1-2 examples)
- Optional
- To handle NullPointerException, we use Optional.
Map<Integer, String> values = new HashMap<>(); Optional<String> val = Optional.ofNullable(values.get(10)); val.ifPresent(System.out::println); // No output, nothing to print String test = Optional.ofNullable(values.get(10)).orElse("Should print this Line."); // Output :: Should print this Line.
- To handle NullPointerException, we use Optional.
- Stream API
- Streams helps in access updating/filtering/searching on collections.
- Introduced in java-8 for functional access.
- There are many menthods in Stream, added minor example.
List<String> values = new ArrayList<>(); values.add("Event-1"); values.add("Event-2"); values.add("Event-3"); List<String> series = -> "Streaming :" + v).collect(Collectors.toList()); System.out.println(series); List<String> parallel = values.parallelStream().map(v -> "Parallel Streaming :" + v).collect(Collectors.toList()); System.out.println(parallel); boolean containsTwo = -> s.contains("2")); System.out.println(containsTwo); /* Output : [Streaming :Event-1, Streaming :Event-2, Streaming :Event-3] [Parallel Streaming :Event-1, Parallel Streaming :Event-2, Parallel Streaming :Event-3] true */
- Lambda Expression
- An Fucntional Interface with Runnable without method declaration.
List<String> values = new ArrayList<>(); values.add("Event-1"); values.add("Event-2"); Runnable lambda1 = () -> values.forEach(System.out::println); List<String> valuesLower = new ArrayList<>(); Runnable lambda2 = () ->;;; /* Output : Event-1 Event-2 event-1 event-2 */
- An Fucntional Interface with Runnable without method declaration.
- @RestController
- Used to declare the entry point of RestAPI's
- It is combination of @Controller + @ResponseBody.
- By defining @ResponseBody, no need to declare on each API declaration in the class, response converts to application/json by default
@Controller @ResponseBody public @interface RestController { // }
- @RequestMapping
- 2 Use cases
- Can be declared on class level along with @RestController and create a prefix handler for all Mappings in the class
- Can be declared as handler for each individual endpoint.
- There is a RequestMapping wrapper for each HTTP method like @GetMapping == @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
@RestContoller @RequestMapping("/sample") public class TestController { @RequestMapping("first", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String test() { } }
- @Repository
- Class with @Repository represents as Data Access Layer (CRUD Operations over database).
- Its a representation of @Component with data access usages only.
@Repository public class CustomerRepo { findById(Integer id); }
- Inner Join
- If we do INNER JOIN on two tables, should return only the matching data connected by the join column.
-- This query should return only Students who enrolled in Math Subject. select,e.subject_name from STUDENT s JOIN SUBJECTS_ENROLLED e on WHERE e.subject_name='Math';
- If we do INNER JOIN on two tables, should return only the matching data connected by the join column.
- Outer Join
- On LEFT JOIN, should return only left table rows and matching rows on right table.
select,e.subject_name from STUDENT s LEFT JOIN SUBJECTS_ENROLLED e on ( and e.subject_name='Math');
- On LEFT JOIN, should return only left table rows and matching rows on right table.
- On RIGHT JOIN, should return only right table rows and matching rows on left table.
select,e.subject_name from STUDENT s RIGHT JOIN SUBJECTS_ENROLLED e on ( and e.subject_name='Math');
- On RIGHT JOIN, should return only right table rows and matching rows on left table.
- On FULL JOIN, it should return all records of left and right rows combined.
select,e.subject_name from STUDENT s LEFT JOIN SUBJECTS_ENROLLED e on ( and e.subject_name='Math') UNION select,e.subject_name from STUDENT s RIGHT JOIN SUBJECTS_ENROLLED e on ( and e.subject_name='Math');
- Singleton
Used to declare the class instance only once in life-cycle.
Mainly used for database connections, configurations.
In Spring-boot by default scope is singleton.
/* Single Instance of class only initialize if null. */ public class Test { private static Test instance = null; public static getInstance() { if(instance == null) instance = new Test(); return instance; } }
- DAO Pattern
Used for creating data accessing API's
It contains an Interface with operations on data with returns a POJO and has an Implementation for the Interface.
/* Single Instance of class only initialize if null. */ public class Employee { private Integer id; private String name; } public interface EmployeeDAO { Employee getById(Integer id); List<Employee> getAll(); } public class EmployeeDAOImpl implements EmployeeDAO { Employee getById(Integer id) { // IMPL return employee; } List<Employee> getAll() { // IMPL return employees } } public class Runner { public static void main(String args...) { EmployeeDAO dao = new EmployeeDAOImpl(); dao.getById(1); } }