- Adds support for Becs tokenization #614
- Adds support for tax_identifier tokenization #629
- Fixes previous tabbing for Elements on non-mobile browsers #618
- Adds OSS attribution information #623
- Adds support for Bacs bank account tokenization #608
- Adds TypeScript types #584
- Adds Electron support #593
- Increases the reporting period #594
- Adds PayPal#destroy method #592
- Adds an error message when a requensted plan code is empty #603
- Fixes Apple Pay currency limitation #600
- Updates kount fraud integration to make use of the Kount JS SDK #577
- Fixes discount calculations on free trial subscriptions with a single-use coupon #574
- Fixes HostedFields reset on re-configuration preceding initialization #573
- Adds Union Pay card type validation #590
- Adds Elements #568
- Adds support for Items to CheckoutPricing #566
- Adds support for new Discover BIN ranges #569
- Fixes PayPal cancel event firing on successful flow completion #564
- Renders Wirecard 3D Secure challenge as an iframe #555
- Fixes Braintree 3D Secure challenge amount display #556
- Adds 3D Secure support for Worldpay gateway #543
- Emits async exceptions from Fraud instead of throwing them #546
- Adds 'cancel' event to PayPal #525
- Adds 'aria-hidden' attributes to hidden input fields #542
- Gateway-specific 3D Secure support #540 #535
- Fixes dimensions set on 3D Secure challenge containers #538
- Adds 'details' to token validation errors #522
- Adds specific tax amount overrides to SubscriptionPricing and CheckoutPricing #515
- Isolates message buses across multiple recurly instances #500
- Fixes detection of tabbing order on mobile browsers #504
- Adds missing error #507
- Fixes initialization error introduced in EdgeHTML 18 #510
- Fixes a bug in SubscriptionPricing where addon prices were not always calculated #471
- Fixes a bug in SubscriptionPricing where a plan switch could retain an invalid coupon #489
- Fixes removal of SubscriptionPricing addons #487
- Upgrades build utilities #483
- Fixes tokenization errors presented when customers disable third-party cookies in Chrome #482
- Fixes errors presented in environments where Storage is not available #478
- Fixes Worker error display #477
- Adds requiredShippingContactFields property to Apple Pay #474
- Fixes issue where tax exemption results in negative taxes #475
- Adds event reporting #459
- Fixes unset.coupon behavior #467
- Fixes downstream mutation of pricing objects from listeners #467
- Fixes Kount fraud detection when using Card field #470
- Adds deviceId and sessionId #454
- Adds support for sites using a more restrictive Content Security Policy #455
- Adds hosted field tabIndex configuration #448
- Adds option to hide the card hosted field card brand icon #433
- Adds support for mobile tabbing between hosted fields #421
- Adds support for Apple pay zero amount authorizations #426
- Adds support for setting PayPal logo in Express Checkout flow #418
- Adds Checkout Pricing class #399
- Adds Card Hosted Field #404
- Adds Adyen Checkout support #392
- Adds recurly.css #409
- Fixes Braintree PayPal cancel event #412
- Removes the requirement to pass in a form to Apple Pay #381
- Adds customer address collection from device in Apple Pay transactions #380
- Adds 'attached' event to announce completion of pricing attachment #377
- Adds
option to configuration -- 'mobileSelect' to enable select fields for expiry fields on mobile #375 - Fixes an issue with field font color propagation #378
- Fixes an issue with Apple Pay pricing initialization #374
- Sends transaction amount to PayPal Express Checkout initialization endpoint #369
- Fixes an issue with Braintree misconfiguration error reporting #367
- Clicking on a hosted field container will cause the field to focus #356
- Adds 'company' to accepted tokenization fields #358
- Adds support for Braintree fraud data collection #363
- Fixes compatibility issue with Internet Explorer #352
- Adds support for new PayPal Express Checkout flow #348
- Adds device data collection to Braintree PayPal integration #333
- Fixes bug in window relay for IE11 #341
- Adds new PayPal class #317
- Also send name, address, etc fields for apple pay token creation #320
- Update Apple Pay init to receive payment form #322
- Adds field reinstantiation support #267
- Improves cacheing by initially sending field config over hash #295
- Adds Gift card support #275
- Adds click event binding to label tags referenced to hosted field containers #279
- Enables CORS-XHR API client by default #269
- Fixes expiry validation of invalid inputs #278
- Fixes dom value reader for empty selects #282
- Adds a pricing error when a coupon is not found #263
- Removes ussageAddons from pricing calculations #268
- Fixes bug around initial pricing not respecting coupons #264
- Adds functionality for running fraud data collector #254
- Updates discount type indication #250
- Fixes cvv requirement enforcement #231
- Misc. code cleanup and test infrastructure changes #234 #233 #230
- Adds support for hosted fields for card transactions: recurly-hosted iframes are injected in place of card fields
- Adds recurly.ready
- Adds eventing to main recurly instance
- Adds 'ready', 'change', and 'field:submit' events
- Adds single use coupon support to discount calculations #204
- Fix issue where XDRs aborted unpredictably #207
- Adds bank account tokenization #202
- Adds optional additional field validations #196
- Fixes tax rounding issue #199
- Adds partial number detection to cardType method #187
- Adds tax information to pricing object #169
- Fixes plan tax exemption for taxation other than US sales tax #186
- Fixes validate.cardNumber throwing on falsey values #179
- Fixes issue with pricing coupon and plan mismatches #177
- Fixes issue where Pricing detachment fails on multiple instances #188
- Adds Pricing support for tax_code #166
- Adds CORS support #157
- Rejects falsey configuration values #155
- Switches build from component to duo #154
- Adds plan unit price and setup fee to pricing output #150
- Fixes issue with IE PayPal communication #152
- Fixes rounding issues around tax and floats #147
- Correctly sets setup_fee on pricing output object #144
- Fixed missing json module dependency #138
- Fixed issue with addons and pricing module #293
- Added 'phone' and 'vat_number' to list of tokenizable fields #126
- Added checkbox support to Pricing.prototype.attach #123
- Fixed issue in Pricing.prototype.attach where addons would attempt to load out of order #127
- Fixed issue where coupon not found errors would go uncaught in Pricing.prototype.attach #124
- Fixed coupon rounding behavior in Pricing.prototype.calculations #125
- Updated testing dependencies #121
- Fixed parse cardType bug #120
- Fixed issue where publicKey was not sent to the PayPal flow initiation API #117
- Added Plan quantity manipulation to recurly.Pricing #115
- Full rewrite for Billing Info tokenization