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fix: hover info for cases h : ... (leanprover#3084)
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This makes hover info, go to definition, etc work for the `h` in `cases
h : e`. The implementation is similar to that used for the `generalize h
: e = x` tactic.
  • Loading branch information
digama0 authored Dec 21, 2023
1 parent f1f8db4 commit d1a15de
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Showing 3 changed files with 63 additions and 27 deletions.
41 changes: 29 additions & 12 deletions src/Lean/Elab/Tactic/Induction.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -263,7 +263,8 @@ def reorderAlts (alts : Array Alt) (altsSyntax : Array Syntax) : Array Alt := Id

def evalAlts (elimInfo : ElimInfo) (alts : Array Alt) (optPreTac : Syntax) (altsSyntax : Array Syntax)
(initialInfo : Info)
(numEqs : Nat := 0) (numGeneralized : Nat := 0) (toClear : Array FVarId := #[]) : TacticM Unit := do
(numEqs : Nat := 0) (numGeneralized : Nat := 0) (toClear : Array FVarId := #[])
(toTag : Array (Ident × FVarId) := #[]) : TacticM Unit := do
let hasAlts := altsSyntax.size > 0
if hasAlts then
-- default to initial state outside of alts
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -301,10 +302,13 @@ where
let mut (_, altMVarId) ← altMVarId.introN numFields
match (← Cases.unifyEqs? numEqs altMVarId {}) with
| none => pure () -- alternative is not reachable
| some (altMVarId', _) =>
| some (altMVarId', subst) =>
(_, altMVarId) ← altMVarId'.introNP numGeneralized
for fvarId in toClear do
altMVarId ← altMVarId.tryClear fvarId
altMVarId.withContext do
for (stx, fvar) in toTag do
Term.addLocalVarInfo stx (subst.get fvar)
let altMVarIds ← applyPreTac altMVarId
if !hasAlts then
-- User did not provide alternatives using `|`
Expand All @@ -323,7 +327,7 @@ where
let mut (fvarIds, altMVarId) ← altMVarId.introN numFields ( getNameOfIdent') (useNamesForExplicitOnly := !altHasExplicitModifier altStx)
-- Delay adding the infos for the pattern LHS because we want them to nest
-- inside tacticInfo for the current alternative (in `evalAlt`)
let addInfo := do
let addInfo : TermElabM Unit := do
if (← getInfoState).enabled then
if let some declName := declName? then
addConstInfo (getAltNameStx altStx) declName
Expand All @@ -336,10 +340,13 @@ where
throwError "alternative '{altName}' is not needed"
match (← Cases.unifyEqs? numEqs altMVarId {}) with
| none => unusedAlt
| some (altMVarId', _) =>
| some (altMVarId', subst) =>
(_, altMVarId) ← altMVarId'.introNP numGeneralized
for fvarId in toClear do
altMVarId ← altMVarId.tryClear fvarId
altMVarId.withContext do
for (stx, fvar) in toTag do
Term.addLocalVarInfo stx (subst.get fvar)
let altMVarIds ← applyPreTac altMVarId
if altMVarIds.isEmpty then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -565,16 +572,23 @@ where
if foundFVars.contains target.fvarId! then
throwError "target (or one of its indices) occurs more than once{indentExpr target}"

def elabCasesTargets (targets : Array Syntax) : TacticM (Array Expr) :=
def elabCasesTargets (targets : Array Syntax) : TacticM (Array Expr × Array (Ident × FVarId)) :=
withMainContext do
let args ← targets.mapM fun target => do
let hName? := if target[0].isNone then none else some target[0][0].getId
let mut hIdents := #[]
let mut args := #[]
for target in targets do
let hName? ← if target[0].isNone then
pure none
hIdents := hIdents.push ⟨target[0][0]⟩
pure (some target[0][0].getId)
let expr ← elabTerm target[1] none
return { expr, hName? : GeneralizeArg }
args := args.push { expr, hName? : GeneralizeArg }
if (← withMainContext <| args.anyM fun arg => shouldGeneralizeTarget arg.expr <||> pure arg.hName?.isSome) then
liftMetaTacticAux fun mvarId => do
let argsToGeneralize ← args.filterM fun arg => shouldGeneralizeTarget arg.expr <||> pure arg.hName?.isSome
let (fvarIdsNew, mvarId) ← mvarId.generalize argsToGeneralize
-- note: fvarIdsNew contains the `x` variables from `args` followed by all the `h` variables
let mut result := #[]
let mut j := 0
for arg in args do
Expand All @@ -583,16 +597,18 @@ def elabCasesTargets (targets : Array Syntax) : TacticM (Array Expr) :=
j := j+1
result := result.push arg.expr
return (result, [mvarId])
-- note: `fvarIdsNew[j:]` contains all the `h` variables
assert! hIdents.size + j == fvarIdsNew.size
return ((result, fvarIdsNew[j:]), [mvarId])
return (·.expr)
return ( (·.expr), #[])

@[builtin_tactic Lean.Parser.Tactic.cases] def evalCases : Tactic := fun stx =>
match expandCases? stx with
| some stxNew => withMacroExpansion stx stxNew <| evalTactic stxNew
| _ => focus do
-- leading_parser nonReservedSymbol "cases " >> sepBy1 (group majorPremise) ", " >> usingRec >> optInductionAlts
let targets ← elabCasesTargets stx[1].getSepArgs
let (targets, toTag) ← elabCasesTargets stx[1].getSepArgs
let optInductionAlts := stx[3]
let optPreTac := getOptPreTacOfOptInductionAlts optInductionAlts
let alts := getAltsOfOptInductionAlts optInductionAlts
Expand All @@ -613,7 +629,8 @@ def elabCasesTargets (targets : Array Syntax) : TacticM (Array Expr) :=
mvarId.withContext do
ElimApp.setMotiveArg mvarId elimArgs[elimInfo.motivePos]!.mvarId! targetsNew
mvarId.assign result.elimApp
ElimApp.evalAlts elimInfo result.alts optPreTac alts initInfo (numEqs := targets.size) (toClear := targetsNew)
ElimApp.evalAlts elimInfo result.alts optPreTac alts initInfo
(numEqs := targets.size) (toClear := targetsNew) (toTag := toTag)

registerTraceClass `Elab.cases
Expand Down
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions tests/lean/interactive/hover.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -276,6 +276,13 @@ example : 1 = 1 := by
--^ textDocument/hover
exact Eq.refl x

example : 1 = 1 := by
cases _e : 1 with
--^ textDocument/hover
| zero => rfl
| succ x => rfl
--^ textDocument/hover

namespace Foo

export List (nil)
Expand Down
42 changes: 27 additions & 15 deletions tests/lean/interactive/hover.lean.expected.out
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -584,46 +584,58 @@
"end": {"line": 274, "character": 15}},
"contents": {"value": "```lean\n_e : 1 = x\n```", "kind": "markdown"}}
{"textDocument": {"uri": "file:///hover.lean"},
"position": {"line": 280, "character": 13}}
"position": {"line": 279, "character": 8}}
{"start": {"line": 280, "character": 13},
"end": {"line": 280, "character": 16}},
{"start": {"line": 279, "character": 8},
"end": {"line": 279, "character": 10}},
"contents": {"value": "```lean\n_e : 1 =\n```", "kind": "markdown"}}
{"textDocument": {"uri": "file:///hover.lean"},
"position": {"line": 282, "character": 9}}
{"start": {"line": 282, "character": 9},
"end": {"line": 282, "character": 10}},
"contents": {"value": "```lean\nx : ℕ\n```", "kind": "markdown"}}
{"textDocument": {"uri": "file:///hover.lean"},
"position": {"line": 287, "character": 13}}
{"start": {"line": 287, "character": 13},
"end": {"line": 287, "character": 16}},
"```lean\nList.nil.{u} {α : Type u} : List α\n```\n***\n`[]` is the empty list. \n***\n*import Init.Prelude*",
"kind": "markdown"}}
{"textDocument": {"uri": "file:///hover.lean"},
"position": {"line": 282, "character": 13}}
"position": {"line": 289, "character": 13}}
{"start": {"line": 282, "character": 11},
"end": {"line": 282, "character": 15}},
{"start": {"line": 289, "character": 11},
"end": {"line": 289, "character": 15}},
"```lean\nList.cons.{u} {α : Type u} (head : α) (tail : List α) : List α\n```\n***\nIf `a : α` and `l : List α`, then `cons a l`, or `a :: l`, is the\nlist whose first element is `a` and with `l` as the rest of the list. \n***\n*import Init.Prelude*",
"kind": "markdown"}}
{"textDocument": {"uri": "file:///hover.lean"},
"position": {"line": 284, "character": 18}}
"position": {"line": 291, "character": 18}}
{"start": {"line": 284, "character": 17},
"end": {"line": 284, "character": 20}},
{"start": {"line": 291, "character": 17},
"end": {"line": 291, "character": 20}},
"```lean\{u, v} {α : Type u} {β : Type v} (f : α → β) (a✝ : List α) : List β\n```\n***\n`O(|l|)`. `map f l` applies `f` to each element of the list.\n* `map f [a, b, c] = [f a, f b, f c]`\n\n***\n*import Init.Data.List.Basic*",
"kind": "markdown"}}
{"textDocument": {"uri": "file:///hover.lean"},
"position": {"line": 287, "character": 26}}
"position": {"line": 294, "character": 26}}
{"start": {"line": 287, "character": 25},
"end": {"line": 287, "character": 29}},
{"start": {"line": 294, "character": 25},
"end": {"line": 294, "character": 29}},
"```lean\{u, v} {α : Type u} {β : Type v} (a✝ : List α) (a✝¹ : List β) : List (α × β)\n```\n***\n`O(min |xs| |ys|)`. Combines the two lists into a list of pairs, with one element from each list.\nThe longer list is truncated to match the shorter list.\n* `zip [x₁, x₂, x₃] [y₁, y₂, y₃, y₄] = [(x₁, y₁), (x₂, y₂), (x₃, y₃)]`\n\n***\n*import Init.Data.List.Basic*",
"kind": "markdown"}}
{"textDocument": {"uri": "file:///hover.lean"},
"position": {"line": 287, "character": 19}}
"position": {"line": 294, "character": 19}}
{"start": {"line": 287, "character": 19},
"end": {"line": 287, "character": 22}},
{"start": {"line": 294, "character": 19},
"end": {"line": 294, "character": 22}},
"```lean\{u, v} {α : Type u} {β : Type v} (a✝ : List α) (a✝¹ : List β) : List (α × β)\n```\n***\n`O(min |xs| |ys|)`. Combines the two lists into a list of pairs, with one element from each list.\nThe longer list is truncated to match the shorter list.\n* `zip [x₁, x₂, x₃] [y₁, y₂, y₃, y₄] = [(x₁, y₁), (x₂, y₂), (x₃, y₃)]`\n\n***\n*import Init.Data.List.Basic*",
Expand Down

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