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doc: fix typos/indentation (leanprover#3085)
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marcusrossel authored Dec 17, 2023
1 parent 8475ec7 commit 89d7eb8
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Showing 4 changed files with 47 additions and 47 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Lean/Elab/Print.lean
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Expand Up @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ private def printId (id : Syntax) : CommandElabM Unit := do

@[builtin_command_elab «print»] def elabPrint : CommandElab
| `(#print%$tk $id:ident) => withRef tk <| printId id
| `(#print%$tk $s:str) => logInfoAt tk s.getString
| `(#print%$tk $s:str) => logInfoAt tk s.getString
| _ => throwError "invalid #print command"

namespace CollectAxioms
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86 changes: 43 additions & 43 deletions src/Lean/Elab/Tactic/Conv/Congr.lean
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Expand Up @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ def congr (mvarId : MVarId) (addImplicitArgs := false) (nameSubgoals := true) :
throwError "invalid 'congr' conv tactic, application or implication expected{indentExpr lhs}"

@[builtin_tactic Lean.Parser.Tactic.Conv.congr] def evalCongr : Tactic := fun _ => do
replaceMainGoal <| List.filterMap id (← congr (← getMainGoal))
replaceMainGoal <| List.filterMap id (← congr (← getMainGoal))

private def selectIdx (tacticName : String) (mvarIds : List (Option MVarId)) (i : Int) :
TacticM Unit := do
Expand All @@ -94,23 +94,23 @@ private def selectIdx (tacticName : String) (mvarIds : List (Option MVarId)) (i
@[builtin_tactic Lean.Parser.Tactic.Conv.skip] def evalSkip : Tactic := fun _ => pure ()

@[builtin_tactic Lean.Parser.Tactic.Conv.lhs] def evalLhs : Tactic := fun _ => do
let mvarIds ← congr (← getMainGoal) (nameSubgoals := false)
selectIdx "lhs" mvarIds ((mvarIds.length : Int) - 2)
let mvarIds ← congr (← getMainGoal) (nameSubgoals := false)
selectIdx "lhs" mvarIds ((mvarIds.length : Int) - 2)

@[builtin_tactic Lean.Parser.Tactic.Conv.rhs] def evalRhs : Tactic := fun _ => do
let mvarIds ← congr (← getMainGoal) (nameSubgoals := false)
selectIdx "rhs" mvarIds ((mvarIds.length : Int) - 1)
let mvarIds ← congr (← getMainGoal) (nameSubgoals := false)
selectIdx "rhs" mvarIds ((mvarIds.length : Int) - 1)

@[builtin_tactic Lean.Parser.Tactic.Conv.arg] def evalArg : Tactic := fun stx => do
match stx with
| `(conv| arg $[@%$tk?]? $i:num) =>
let i := i.getNat
if i == 0 then
throwError "invalid 'arg' conv tactic, index must be greater than 0"
let i := i - 1
let mvarIds ← congr (← getMainGoal) (addImplicitArgs := tk?.isSome) (nameSubgoals := false)
selectIdx "arg" mvarIds i
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax
match stx with
| `(conv| arg $[@%$tk?]? $i:num) =>
let i := i.getNat
if i == 0 then
throwError "invalid 'arg' conv tactic, index must be greater than 0"
let i := i - 1
let mvarIds ← congr (← getMainGoal) (addImplicitArgs := tk?.isSome) (nameSubgoals := false)
selectIdx "arg" mvarIds i
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax

def extLetBodyCongr? (mvarId : MVarId) (lhs rhs : Expr) : MetaM (Option MVarId) := do
match lhs with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,35 +141,35 @@ def extLetBodyCongr? (mvarId : MVarId) (lhs rhs : Expr) : MetaM (Option MVarId)
| _ => return none

private def extCore (mvarId : MVarId) (userName? : Option Name) : MetaM MVarId :=
mvarId.withContext do
let (lhs, rhs) ← getLhsRhsCore mvarId
let lhs := (← instantiateMVars lhs).cleanupAnnotations
if let .forallE n d b bi := lhs then
let u ← getLevel d
let p : Expr := .lam n d b bi
let userName ← if let some userName := userName? then pure userName else mkFreshBinderNameForTactic n
let (q, h, mvarNew) ← withLocalDecl userName bi d fun a => do
let pa := b.instantiate1 a
let (qa, mvarNew) ← mkConvGoalFor pa
let q ← mkLambdaFVars #[a] qa
let h ← mkLambdaFVars #[a] mvarNew
let rhs' ← mkForallFVars #[a] qa
unless (← isDefEqGuarded rhs rhs') do
throwError "invalid 'ext' conv tactic, failed to resolve{indentExpr rhs}\n=?={indentExpr rhs'}"
return (q, h, mvarNew)
let proof := mkApp4 (mkConst ``forall_congr [u]) d p q h
mvarId.assign proof
return mvarNew.mvarId!
else if let some mvarId ← extLetBodyCongr? mvarId lhs rhs then
return mvarId
let lhsType ← whnfD (← inferType lhs)
unless lhsType.isForall do
throwError "invalid 'ext' conv tactic, function or arrow expected{indentD m!"{lhs} : {lhsType}"}"
let [mvarId] ← mvarId.apply (← mkConstWithFreshMVarLevels ``funext) | throwError "'apply funext' unexpected result"
let userNames := if let some userName := userName? then [userName] else []
let (_, mvarId) ← mvarId.introN 1 userNames
markAsConvGoal mvarId
mvarId.withContext do
let (lhs, rhs) ← getLhsRhsCore mvarId
let lhs := (← instantiateMVars lhs).cleanupAnnotations
if let .forallE n d b bi := lhs then
let u ← getLevel d
let p : Expr := .lam n d b bi
let userName ← if let some userName := userName? then pure userName else mkFreshBinderNameForTactic n
let (q, h, mvarNew) ← withLocalDecl userName bi d fun a => do
let pa := b.instantiate1 a
let (qa, mvarNew) ← mkConvGoalFor pa
let q ← mkLambdaFVars #[a] qa
let h ← mkLambdaFVars #[a] mvarNew
let rhs' ← mkForallFVars #[a] qa
unless (← isDefEqGuarded rhs rhs') do
throwError "invalid 'ext' conv tactic, failed to resolve{indentExpr rhs}\n=?={indentExpr rhs'}"
return (q, h, mvarNew)
let proof := mkApp4 (mkConst ``forall_congr [u]) d p q h
mvarId.assign proof
return mvarNew.mvarId!
else if let some mvarId ← extLetBodyCongr? mvarId lhs rhs then
return mvarId
let lhsType ← whnfD (← inferType lhs)
unless lhsType.isForall do
throwError "invalid 'ext' conv tactic, function or arrow expected{indentD m!"{lhs} : {lhsType}"}"
let [mvarId] ← mvarId.apply (← mkConstWithFreshMVarLevels ``funext) | throwError "'apply funext' unexpected result"
let userNames := if let some userName := userName? then [userName] else []
let (_, mvarId) ← mvarId.introN 1 userNames
markAsConvGoal mvarId

private def ext (userName? : Option Name) : TacticM Unit := do
replaceMainGoal [← extCore (← getMainGoal) userName?]
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Lean/Meta/AppBuilder.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ def mkAppOptM (constName : Name) (xs : Array (Option Expr)) : MetaM Expr := do
let (f, fType) ← mkFun constName
mkAppOptMAux f xs 0 #[] 0 #[] fType

/-- Similar to `mkAppOptM`, but takes an `Expr` instead of a constant name -/
/-- Similar to `mkAppOptM`, but takes an `Expr` instead of a constant name. -/
def mkAppOptM' (f : Expr) (xs : Array (Option Expr)) : MetaM Expr := do
let fType ← inferType f
withAppBuilderTrace f xs do withNewMCtxDepth do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ def mkPure (monad : Expr) (e : Expr) : MetaM Expr :=
mkAppOptM ``Pure.pure #[monad, none, none, e]

`mkProjection s fieldName` return an expression for accessing field `fieldName` of the structure `s`.
`mkProjection s fieldName` returns an expression for accessing field `fieldName` of the structure `s`.
Remark: `fieldName` may be a subfield of `s`. -/
partial def mkProjection (s : Expr) (fieldName : Name) : MetaM Expr := do
let type ← inferType s
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Lean/SubExpr.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ The first coordinate in the array corresponds to the root of the expression tree
def ofArray (ps : Array Nat) : Pos :=
ps.foldl push root

/-- Decodes a subexpression `Pos` as a sequence of coordinates `cs : Array Nat`. See `Pos.fromArray` for details.
/-- Decodes a subexpression `Pos` as a sequence of coordinates `cs : Array Nat`. See `Pos.ofArray` for details.
`cs[0]` is the coordinate for the root expression. -/
def toArray (p : Pos) : Array Nat :=
foldl Array.push #[] p
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