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refactor: rewrite TerminationHint elaborators (leanprover#2958)
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In order to familiarize myself with this code, and so that the next
person has an easier time, I

* added docstrings explaining what I found out these things to
* rewrote the syntax expansion functions using syntax pattern matches,
  to the extend possible
  • Loading branch information
nomeata authored Dec 2, 2023
1 parent 92f1755 commit 6d23450
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Showing 5 changed files with 88 additions and 46 deletions.
110 changes: 72 additions & 38 deletions src/Lean/Elab/PreDefinition/WF/TerminationHint.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,31 +20,38 @@ inductive TerminationHint where
| many (map : NameMap TerminationHintValue)
deriving Inhabited

open Parser.Command in
This function takes a user-specified `decreasing_by` or `termination_by'` clause (as `Sytnax`).
If it is a `terminathionHintMany` (a set of clauses guarded by the function name) then
* checks that all mentioned names exist in the current declaration
* check that at most one function from each clique is mentioned
and sort the entries by function name.
def expandTerminationHint (terminationHint? : Option Syntax) (cliques : Array (Array Name)) : MacroM TerminationHint := do
if let some terminationHint := terminationHint? then
let ref := terminationHint
let terminationHint := terminationHint[1]
if terminationHint.getKind == ``Parser.Command.terminationHint1 then
return { ref, value := terminationHint[0] }
else if terminationHint.getKind == ``Parser.Command.terminationHintMany then
let m ← terminationHint[0].getArgs.foldlM (init := {}) fun m arg =>
let declName? := cliques.findSome? fun clique => clique.findSome? fun declName =>
if arg[0].getId.isSuffixOf declName then some declName else none
match declName? with
| none => Macro.throwErrorAt arg[0] s!"function '{arg[0].getId}' not found in current declaration"
| some declName => return m.insert declName { ref := arg, value := arg[2] }
for clique in cliques do
let mut found? := Option.none
for declName in clique do
if let some { ref, .. } := m.find? declName then
if let some found := found? then
Macro.throwErrorAt ref s!"invalid termination hint element, '{declName}' and '{found}' are in the same clique"
found? := some declName
return TerminationHint.many m
return TerminationHint.none
let some terminationHint := terminationHint? | return TerminationHint.none
let ref := terminationHint
match terminationHint with
| `(terminationByCore|termination_by' $hint1:terminationHint1)
| `(decreasingBy|decreasing_by $hint1:terminationHint1) =>
return { ref, value := hint1.raw[0] }
| `(terminationByCore|termination_by' $hints:terminationHintMany)
| `(decreasingBy|decreasing_by $hints:terminationHintMany) => do
let m ← hints.raw[0].getArgs.foldlM (init := {}) fun m arg =>
let declName? := cliques.findSome? fun clique => clique.findSome? fun declName =>
if arg[0].getId.isSuffixOf declName then some declName else none
match declName? with
| none => Macro.throwErrorAt arg[0] s!"function '{arg[0].getId}' not found in current declaration"
| some declName => return m.insert declName { ref := arg, value := arg[2] }
for clique in cliques do
let mut found? := Option.none
for declName in clique do
if let some { ref, .. } := m.find? declName then
if let some found := found? then
Macro.throwErrorAt ref s!"invalid termination hint element, '{declName}' and '{found}' are in the same clique"
found? := some declName
return TerminationHint.many m
| _ => Macro.throwUnsupported

def TerminationHint.markAsUsed (t : TerminationHint) (clique : Array Name) : TerminationHint :=
match t with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,8 +79,9 @@ def TerminationHint.ensureAllUsed (t : TerminationHint) : MacroM Unit := do
| TerminationHint.many m => m.forM fun _ v => Macro.throwErrorAt v.ref "unused termination hint element"
| _ => pure ()

/-! # Support for `termination_by` notation -/
/-! # Support for `termination_by` and `termination_by'` notation -/

/-- A single `termination_by` clause -/
structure TerminationByElement where
ref : Syntax
declName : Name
Expand All @@ -82,53 +90,76 @@ structure TerminationByElement where
implicit : Bool
deriving Inhabited

/-- `terminatoin_by` clauses, grouped by clique -/
structure TerminationByClique where
elements : Array TerminationByElement
used : Bool := false

A `termination_by'` or `termination_by` hint, as specified by the user
inductive TerminationBy where
/-- `termination_by'` -/
| core (hint : TerminationHint)
/-- `termination_by` -/
| ext (cliques : Array TerminationByClique)
deriving Inhabited

A `termination_by'` or `termination_by` hint, as applicable to a single clique
inductive TerminationWF where
| core (stx : Syntax)
| ext (clique : Array TerminationByElement)

Expands the syntax for a `termination_by` clause, checking that
* each function is mentioned once
* each function mentioned actually occurs in the current declaration
* if anything is specified, then all functions have a clause
* the else-case (`_`) occurs only once, and only when needed
def terminationByElement := leading_parser ppLine >> (ident <|> hole) >> many (ident <|> hole) >> " => " >> termParser >> optional ";"
def terminationBy := leading_parser ppLine >> "termination_by " >> many1chIndent terminationByElement
open Parser.Command in
private def expandTerminationByNonCore (hint : Syntax) (cliques : Array (Array Name)) : MacroM TerminationBy := do
let elementStxs := hint[1].getArgs
let `(terminationBy|termination_by $elementStxs*) := hint | Macro.throwUnsupported
let mut alreadyFound : NameSet := {}
let mut elseElemStx? := none
for elementStx in elementStxs do
let declStx := elementStx[0]
if declStx.isIdent then
let declSuffix := declStx.getId
match elementStx with
| `(terminationByElement|$ident:ident $_* => $_) =>
let declSuffix := ident.getId
if alreadyFound.contains declSuffix then
withRef elementStx <| Macro.throwError s!"invalid `termination_by` syntax, `{declSuffix}` case has already been provided"
alreadyFound := alreadyFound.insert declSuffix
if cliques.all fun clique => clique.all fun declName => !declSuffix.isSuffixOf declName then
withRef elementStx <| Macro.throwError s!"function '{declSuffix}' not found in current declaration"
else if elseElemStx?.isSome then
withRef elementStx <| Macro.throwError "invalid `termination_by` syntax, the else-case (i.e., `_ ... => ...`) has already been specified"
elseElemStx? := some elementStx
let toElement (declName : Name) (elementStx : Syntax) : TerminationByElement :=
let vars := elementStx[1].getArgs
let implicit := !elementStx[0].isIdent
let body := elementStx[3]
| `(terminationByElement|_ $_vars* => $_term) =>
if elseElemStx?.isSome then
withRef elementStx <| Macro.throwError "invalid `termination_by` syntax, the else-case (i.e., `_ ... => ...`) has already been specified"
elseElemStx? := some elementStx
| _ => Macro.throwUnsupported
let toElement (declName : Name) (elementStx : TSyntax ``terminationByElement) : TerminationByElement :=
match elementStx with
| `(terminationByElement|$ioh $vars* => $body:term) =>
let implicit := !ioh.raw.isIdent
{ ref := elementStx, declName, vars, implicit, body }
| _ => unreachable!
let elementAppliesTo (declName : Name) : TSyntax ``terminationByElement → Bool
| `(terminationByElement|$ident:ident $_* => $_) => ident.getId.isSuffixOf declName
| _ => false
let mut result := #[]
let mut usedElse := false
for clique in cliques do
let mut elements := #[]
for declName in clique do
if let some elementStx := elementStxs.find? fun elementStx => elementStx[0].isIdent && elementStx[0].getId.isSuffixOf declName then
if let some elementStx := elementStxs.find? (elementAppliesTo declName) then
elements := elements.push (toElement declName elementStx)
else if let some elseElemStx := elseElemStx? then
elements := elements.push (toElement declName elseElemStx)
Expand All @@ -141,6 +172,9 @@ private def expandTerminationByNonCore (hint : Syntax) (cliques : Array (Array N
withRef elseElemStx?.get! <| Macro.throwError s!"invalid `termination_by` syntax, unnecessary else-case"
return TerminationBy.ext result

Expands the syntax for a `termination_by` or `termination_by'` clause, using the appropriate function
def expandTerminationBy (hint? : Option Syntax) (cliques : Array (Array Name)) : MacroM TerminationBy :=
if let some hint := hint? then
if hint.isOfKind ``Parser.Command.terminationByCore then
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Lean/Parser/Command.lean
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Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ We provide two kinds of hints to the termination checker:
def terminationHintMany (p : Parser) := leading_parser
atomic (lookahead (ident >> " => ")) >>
many1Indent (group (ppLine >> ppIndent (ident >> " => " >> p >> optional ";")))
many1Indent (group (ppLine >> ppIndent (ident >> " => " >> p >> patternIgnore (optional ";"))))
def terminationHint1 (p : Parser) := leading_parser p
def terminationHint (p : Parser) := terminationHintMany p <|> terminationHint1 p

Expand All @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ def decreasingBy := leading_parser

def terminationByElement := leading_parser
ppLine >> (ident <|> Term.hole) >> many (ppSpace >> (ident <|> Term.hole)) >>
" => " >> termParser >> optional ";"
" => " >> termParser >> patternIgnore (optional ";")
def terminationBy := leading_parser
ppDedent ppLine >> "termination_by" >> many1Indent terminationByElement

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion stage0/src/stdlib_flags.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ options get_default_options() {
// switch to `true` for ABI-breaking changes affecting meta code
opts = opts.update({"interpreter", "prefer_native"}, false);
// switch to `true` for changing built-in parsers used in quotations
opts = opts.update({"internal", "parseQuotWithCurrentStage"}, false);
opts = opts.update({"internal", "parseQuotWithCurrentStage"}, true);
// toggling `parseQuotWithCurrentStage` may also require toggling the following option if macros/syntax
// with custom precheck hooks were affected
opts = opts.update({"quotPrecheck"}, true);
Expand Down
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions tests/lean/termination_by2.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,13 @@ mutual
termination_by _ => n

def f (n : Nat) :=
if n == 0 then 0 else f (n / 2) + 1
termination_by n => n

def g' (n : Nat) :=
match n with
| 0 => 1
Expand Down
11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions tests/lean/termination_by2.lean.expected.out
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
termination_by2.lean:4:1-4:22: error: invalid 'termination_by' in 'mutual' block, it must be used after the 'end' keyword
termination_by2.lean:13:2-13:10: error: invalid `termination_by` syntax, unnecessary else-case
termination_by2.lean:24:3-24:16: error: invalid `termination_by` syntax, missing case for function 'isOdd'
termination_by2.lean:36:3-36:14: error: function 'isOd' not found in current declaration
termination_by2.lean:48:3-48:16: error: invalid `termination_by` syntax, `isEven` case has already been provided
termination_by2.lean:61:3-61:15: error: invalid `termination_by` syntax, the else-case (i.e., `_ ... => ...`) has already been specified
termination_by2.lean:11:15-11:21: error: function 'n' not found in current declaration
termination_by2.lean:20:2-20:10: error: invalid `termination_by` syntax, unnecessary else-case
termination_by2.lean:31:3-31:16: error: invalid `termination_by` syntax, missing case for function 'isOdd'
termination_by2.lean:43:3-43:14: error: function 'isOd' not found in current declaration
termination_by2.lean:55:3-55:16: error: invalid `termination_by` syntax, `isEven` case has already been provided
termination_by2.lean:68:3-68:15: error: invalid `termination_by` syntax, the else-case (i.e., `_ ... => ...`) has already been specified

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