Optionally allow adding - returns:
docs to initializers #557
I use VVDocumenter to help me document my codes.
functions return an objects, although not explicitly defined in their syntax. For this particular reason, SwiftLint-ing them complains that their documentations are invalid.
Generates the view programatically to avoid giving out informations about the alert's views.
- parameter frame: A frame. Will be ignored.
- returns: An instance of UIView.
override init(frame: CGRect) {...}
(Disclaimer: This is just an example)
Swift lint will complain and say:
warning: Valid Docs Violation: Documented declarations should be valid. (valid_docs)
Although it is perfectly valid. You might argue that we don't need to document the return part, but I have many cases that it helps clarify the resulted instance, especially in case of failable initializers.
Just to be clear, removing - returns
from documentation does actually solve the validation problem.