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Petri Järvisalo edited this page Mar 20, 2021 · 4 revisions

1. install and setup QLCplus

  1. Install QLC+ from homepage.
  2. edit shortcut and enable websocket interface by appending --web flag 1

2. setup loistoTXT config

  1. edit config.json
  2. set Qlc enabled = true
  3. setup the qlc+ machine ip, let the port 9999
  4. Start QLC+ using the shortcut
  5. Load your QLC+ project
  6. Start LoistoTXT --> lights are now synced


You can switch the scenes with clicking Play button. Sync the sceneslist and statuses: click Sync Scenes. Stop all functions: click reset Scenes.


3. Assigning quick scenes per song

  1. Load song
  2. See the quick controls
  3. click on empty button and select scene
  4. Switch scene simply clicking cue