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🎓 Practice 4 - Renv

License: GPL-2

Structure of the research compendium of the practice 4 of the training course Reproducible Research in Computational Ecology.


This repository is structured as follow:

  • data/: contains all raw data required to perform analyses

  • R/: contains R functions developed especially for this project

  • DESCRIPTION: contains project metadata (author, date, dependencies, etc.)

  • _targets.R: contains the pipeline

  • index.Rmd: contains the final report to knit

  • make.R: main R script to run the entire project by running targets::tar_make()


Fork and clone the repository, open R/RStudio and run:



  • All required packages, listed in the DESCRIPTION file, will be installed (if necessary)
  • All required packages and R functions will be loaded

How to cite

Casajus N, Bonnici I, Dray S, Gimenez O, Guéry L, Guilhaumon F, Schiettekatte NMD & Siberchicot A (2023) Workshop FRB-CESAB & RT EcoStat: Reproducible Research in Computational Ecology. Zenodo.