A bold Pythonic namespaced key-value local storage.
Useful for kobolds with too many shiny stateful parameters, aliases, and configurables.
pip install kobold3
kb store - set -a=1 -b=2 -c=3
kb store - get a
Good thing you asked. Underneath the hood, this package uses Python's shelve implementation to create and manage named shelves stored in the user's home directory found at $HOME/.kobold
The '-' is a placeholder for default named shelve ('default').
Say you worked on multiple AWS accounts that you switched between often.
echo `kb store aws.env-1 get account_num`
# 1234...
echo `kb store aws.env-2 get account_num`
# 5678...
kb store aws set -envs=1,2,3,4
kb store aws get envs
#[ 1, 2, 3, 4]