- Porto, Portugal
- http://www.rodrigoconstanzo.com
- @r_constanzo@mas.to
A compilation of abstractions and instruments compatible with Pure Data vanilla.
A Modular Toolkit for Tinkering with Digital Musical Instruments.
Experiments combining Flucoma with Bela
Hardware Design: Eurorack shield for teensy 4.1 with 14 in / 16 out analog channels
ESP8266 based Homekit Indoor Air Quality sensor that acts like Eve Room🌱
A library for arbitrary-rate arbitrary-size frame processing
research, tutorials, software for Shbobo instruments by Peter Blasser and Steve Korn
Simple script to lay parts out flat in Fusion 360
tapnair / Dogbone
Forked from DVE2000/DogboneA Fusion360 addin that creates dogbone joints for wood joinery.
A Fusion360 addin that creates dogbone joints for wood joinery.
A Set of 80+ Externals for a variety of tasks in MaxMSP.
Processing scripts used to generative glitch / art / design
(Deprecated) A driver that allows users to use the Xbox One controller on the Mac OS X operating system.