Repository containing files associated with ENIGMA diffusion weighted image processing protocol and video series. Designed by Ryan Cali for the 2022 ReproNim Fellowship Project and the Imaging Genetics Center at the University of Southern California.
--NOTE-- This preprocessing pipeline details one way to prepare your data for it to be used with the ENGIMA DTI template and is NOT exhaustive. Based on a number of variables, incuding data quality, acquisition type, and other MRI vendor specifics, variations to the pipeline may need to be made and additional steps may improve data cleaning outcomes.
Questions? Reach out to the author: rcali@loni.usc.edu
Information about the ENIGMA DWI Protcol can be found here: https://enigma.ini.usc.edu/protocols/dti-protocols/#pre
FSL - https://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/FslInstallation
MRtrix3 - https://www.mrtrix.org/download/
Data used in this repository can be downloaded here: https://openneuro.org/datasets/ds001907/versions/3.0.2 and is part of a study on Parkinson's Disease patients and healthy controls.
Citation: Trevor K. M. Day and Tara M. Madyastha and Peter Boord and Mary K. Askren and Nicholas J. Wapstra and Thomas J. Montine and Thomas J. Grabowski (2022). ANT: Healthy aging and Parkinson's disease. OpenNeuro. [Dataset] doi: doi:10.18112/openneuro.ds001907.v3.0.2
Video tutorials can be found on the wiki.