Tag + AutoComplete = Tagcomplete is a jquery library for tagging and autocomplete,it also supports ajax and manual data
<link rel='stylesheet' href='src/tagcomplete.css' />
<script src='/path/to/jquery.js'></script>
<script src='src/tagcomplete.js'></script>
//manual data , it will work together with ajax set
data: ['email1@example.com','email2@example.com','email3@example.com'],
url: '{{url("contacts/email-search")}}',
//ajax query param
params: function(value){
return {q:value};
//proccess data after ajax is complete and send it back to plugin
//the data must be an object in the form
//{id:id ,text:text}
proccessData: function(data){
//return the data
return data.db_data_array;
}//end proccess ajax data
}//end auto complete
var defaultOpts = {
//input limit to start the ajax
keyLimit: 1,
tokenizer: ",",
//free input,allow use to insert his
//own tag data
freeInput : true,
//free edit
//free edit allows the backspace to
//edit the tag, this can provide
//undesired results ,
//also freeInput is required
//for this to work
freeEdit : true,
autocomplete: {
//none ajax or local data
//for auto complete
//ajax options for
//the autocomplete
//uses jquery ajax options
ajaxOpts: {
//url: "",
method: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
data: {}
//parameter setting for the
//ajax request
params : function(value){
return {q: value,lol: 23};
//proccess data after the ajax has returned
//the data from server
//and return the proccessed data
//this method is called in the onSuccess
//ajax event
//also data returned must be in the form
//of {id:text}
//where id is any unique id of the text
proccessData: function(data){
return data;
},//end auto complete
//triggers when a new tag is added
onAdd: function(data){
return true;
//triggers when a tag is deleted
onDelete: function(data){
return true;