A handy list of accelerators (commands/guides/links) for Elixir based Web Development.
- Building a Real-Time Application in the Phoenix Framework with Elixir
- Adding Tailwind CSS to Phoenix 1.4 and 1.5
- Phoenix Framework Source Code
- Phoenix Site
mix phoenix_oauth2_provider.gen.templates # Generates PhoenixOauth2Provider templates
mix phx # Prints Phoenix help information
mix phx.digest # Digests and compresses static files
mix phx.digest.clean # Removes old versions of static assets.
mix phx.gen.auth # Generates authentication logic for a resource
mix phx.gen.cert # Generates a self-signed certificate for HTTPS testing
mix phx.gen.channel # Generates a Phoenix channel
mix phx.gen.context # Generates a context with functions around an Ecto schema
mix phx.gen.embedded # Generates an embedded Ecto schema file
mix phx.gen.html # Generates controller, views, and context for an HTML resource
mix phx.gen.json # Generates controller, views, and context for a JSON resource
mix phx.gen.live # Generates LiveView, templates, and context for a resource
mix phx.gen.presence # Generates a Presence tracker
mix phx.gen.schema # Generates an Ecto schema and migration file
mix phx.gen.secret # Generates a secret
mix phx.new # Creates a new Phoenix v1.5.9 application
mix phx.new.ecto # Creates a new Ecto project within an umbrella project
mix phx.new.web # Creates a new Phoenix web project within an umbrella project
mix phx.routes # Prints all routes
mix phx.server # Starts applications and their servers
mix profile.cprof # Profiles the given file or expression with cprof
mix profile.eprof # Profiles the given file or expression with eprof
mix profile.fprof # Profiles the given file or expression with fprof
mix release # Assembles a self-contained release
mix release.init # Generates sample files for releases
mix run # Starts and runs the current application
mix setup # Alias defined in mix.exs
mix test # Alias defined in mix.exs
mix test # Runs a project's tests
mix test.coverage # Build report from exported test coverage
mix xref # Prints cross reference information
iex -S mix # Starts IEx and runs the default task
mix help phx.gen.live # Help on Generating Live Views
mix phx.new --live <app_name>
Refer this link (to hexdocs) for details.
mix phx.gen.live <ContextModule> <SchemaModule> <schema_module_plural_name> <attribute_name>:<attribute_type> <attribute_name>:<attribute_type> ...
# Example
# mix phx.gen.live Accounts User users name:string age:integer
mix phx.new --live <app_name>
cd <app_name>
## Optional if dependecies not installed.
mix deps.get
mix deps.compile
cd assets && npm install && node node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --mode development
cd ..
## Optional ends here.
mix ecto.create
mix phx.server
# Or
# iex -S mix phx.server
- Full Stack Phoenix App Generator
- Supabase Realtime
- Elixir Style Guide
- Absinthe : GraphQL Implementation for Elixir
- Poision : Json Library
- Jason : JSON parser
- Bamboo : Email Library
- Swoosh : Email Composition, Delivery, Test
- httpoison : Http Client for Elixir
- Mint: Http Client
- Floki : Http Parser
- Broadway : Data Processing
- Timex : Data Time Library
- Livebook : Code Notebooks like Jupyter
- libcluster : Cluster Formation and Healing
- Überauth : Authentication System
- Pow : Authentication and User Management
- Manifold : Message Passing between Nodes
- Sites Using LiveView
- Kitto : Interactive Dashboards
- Credo : Static Code Analysis