from Gaya, Bihar and currently pursuing B.Tech in the stream of Computer Science and Engineering at the Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Allahabad(UP).(Graduating in 2021)
I love to code, explore, learn about new things and building applications & discussing new product ideas.
Want to know more about me? Check out my portfolio.
- π― actively looking for Full-Time Job Opportunities.
- π± working on my Final Year Project.(AVGR SOFTWARE FOR MEDIA PLAYER)
- π Growing as a competitive programmer.(Hackerrank)
- Languages: C, C++, Python
- Web Development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript(Basics)
- IT Constructs: DS and Algorithms, OOPS, OS, DBMS
- Development Tools: VS Code, Pycharm
- Frameworks: Django
- DB Languages: SQL
- Trending Tech: Machine Learning(ML) And Artificial Intelligence(AI)