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Raunak's dotfiles

Chezmoi manages your dotfiles across multiple machines, securely and is available on windows, macOS and almost all unix like distributions via your package manager.

  • sudo pacman -S chezmoi
  • brew install chezmoi

or clone it from source and build it yourself.

These dots are inspired by Cobal2 by Wesbos and special thanks goes to Aditya Shakya for his enthusiasm for ricing Unix-based system.

Note: This repository is tuned to Arch. Yes, i use Arch, btw!

Table of contents


sudo, user have permission to install the packages:

    # EDITOR="vim" visudo
    username ALL=(ALL) ALL

If you are installing this on a new machine, make sure, to configure (via: useradd -m -G users,wheel,audio,video username), logout and initialize this environment correctly.


name WTF Notes
Pulseaudio Audio Driver Know more about pulseaudio on arch wiki.
i3 Windows Manager pacman -S i3-gaps
Polybar Status Bar polybar is a easy-to-use status bar
Rofi Dmenu Rofi: window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement
google-chrome-stable Web Browser Yes, i use a memory hogger!
feh Image Viewer sudo pacman -S feh
betterlockscreen Lock Screen betterlockscreen is just amazing!
lightdm Display Manager lightdm-gtk-greeter
mpd Music Player Daemon With ncmpcpp, mpc
mpv, VLC Video Players sudo pacman -S vlc
picom-ibhagwan-git Compositor compton with dual-kawase base
scrot Screen Capture sudo pacman -S scrot
ranger CLI based File Manager ranger is a console based file manager written in python
vim Editor I've attached my own vimrc config
kitty Terminal kitty is designed for power keyboard users
Yay AUR helper yay, an AUR helper giving access to aur.
zsh Shell Plugins: oh-my-zsh and powerlevel10k
dunst notification daemon It's a light weight & ricing friendly notification daemon dunst


chezmoi stores the desired state of your dotfiles in ~/.local/share/chezmoi or $XDG_DATA_HOME.


  1. Initialize with chezmoi using
chezmoi init


  1. Make changes in your template before you move forward:

this will also make changes in file to ~/.config/git/config file.


  1. Apply the configurations
    chezmoi apply

Voila! You've have successfully deployed the dotfiles.

Next steps

Now, Edit dots using edit while specifying full path of the file

    chezmoi edit ~/path/to/file

See what changes chezmoi would make:

    chezmoi diff

Apply the changes using chezmoi -v apply, -v flag is for verbose.

Update your configs using

    chezmoi update

For further details use chezmoi help or refer to chezmoi.


For any questions, comments, feedback or issues, submit a new issue.


MIT License