Tags: rapyuta-robotics/rapyuta-io-cli
chore(release): 9.7.0 [skip ci] # [9.7.0](v9.6.0...v9.7.0) (2025-01-29) ### Bug Fixes * **cli:** returns success in case deployment, package, secret, route, device, disk, network not found while deleting ([2e7e377](2e7e377)) * **device:** keep device inspect backwards compatible ([5b198b6](5b198b6)), closes [AB#47896](https://github.com/AB/issues/47896) * **vpn:** fix connect command with --update-hosts flag ([dadab65](dadab65)) ### Features * **project:** add support for docker-cache feature ([37aba6c](37aba6c)), closes [AB#43805](https://github.com/AB/issues/43805) * **projects:** add dockercache subcommand in features command ([4b78076](4b78076)) * **vpn:** add device-hostname entry in hosts file ([bd4abe4](bd4abe4))
chore(release): 9.5.0 [skip ci] # [9.5.0](v9.4.0...v9.5.0) (2024-12-11) ### Features * **apply:** add support for ansible filters in Jinja2 ([#394](#394)) ([d590490](d590490)), closes [AB#39151](https://github.com/AB/issues/39151) * **deployment:** adds an option to block paramsync until ready ([387181c](387181c)) * **device:** add option to exec commands asynchronously ([#365](#365)) ([c6bea52](c6bea52)), closes [AB#16668](https://github.com/AB/issues/16668) * **device:** handles failed hwil devices during apply and delete ([94bb48e](94bb48e))
chore(release): 9.2.0 [skip ci] # [9.2.0](v9.1.3...v9.2.0) (2024-11-14) ### Bug Fixes * **device:** report online devices only ([#382](#382)) ([bfe7bb3](bfe7bb3)) * **organization:** fixes key error when no org is selected ([#383](#383)) ([29476ff](29476ff)) ### Features * **apply:** adds template func to get interface ip ([#379](#379)) ([d370826](d370826))
chore(release): 9.1.0 [skip ci] # [9.1.0](v9.0.4...v9.1.0) (2024-10-21) ### Bug Fixes * **apply:** merge rio namespace with incoming values ([5141bcf](5141bcf)) * **package:** adds the missing --silent alias for force delete ([d4546a9](d4546a9)) * removes object references of project, static-routes, secret, deployment ([8cb381a](8cb381a)) ### Features * **apply:** allow mutiple values and secret files ([1cffe09](1cffe09)), closes [AB#18436](https://github.com/AB/issues/18436) * **device:** implements report device command ([#371](#371)) ([acdde63](acdde63)), closes [AB#19657](https://github.com/AB/issues/19657) * **device:** wait until virtual device is online on rapyuta.io ([f6bd3e8](f6bd3e8)), closes [AB#18043](https://github.com/AB/issues/18043) * **secret:** implements batch delete with regex pattern ([9b57d69](9b57d69)), closes [AB#18146](https://github.com/AB/issues/18146) * **static-route:** implements batch delete using regex pattern ([a3b5e92](a3b5e92)), closes [AB#18146](https://github.com/AB/issues/18146) * **vpn:** adds option to populate vpn peers in hosts file ([c28b9ce](c28b9ce))