scylla Public
Forked from scylladb/scylladbNoSQL data store using the seastar framework, compatible with Apache Cassandra
seastar-1 Public
Forked from scylladb/seastarHigh performance server-side application framework
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 12, 2024 -
gdt-descriptor-decoder Public
Useful for decoding GDT (Global Descriptor Table) descriptors.
awesome-seastar Public
Forked from dotnwat/awesome-seastarA curated list of resources related to Seastar, an industrial-grade C++ framework for building high-performance servers.
UpdatedAug 3, 2021 -
ragedb Public
In Memory Property Graph Server using the Shared Nothing design from Seastar.
scylla-tools-java Public
Forked from scylladb/scylla-tools-javaApache Cassandra, supplying tools for Scylla
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 11, 2020 -
Am-I-affected-by-Meltdown Public
Meltdown Exploit / Proof-of-concept / checks whether system is affected by Variant 3: rogue data cache load (CVE-2017-5754), a.k.a MELTDOWN.
meltdown Public
Forked from isec-tugraz/meltdownThis repository contains several applications, demonstrating the Meltdown bug.
C zlib License UpdatedJan 13, 2018 -
meltdown-exploit Public
Forked from paboldin/meltdown-exploitMeltdown Exploit PoC
C UpdatedJan 9, 2018 -
charybdefs Public
Forked from scylladb/charybdefsScyllaDB fault injection filesystem
C++ Other UpdatedNov 15, 2017 -
badger Public
Forked from hypermodeinc/badgerFast key-value DB in Go.
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 27, 2017 -
www.funwithbits.net Public
Forked from funwithbits/www.funwithbits.netFun With Bits blog
HTML UpdatedJul 16, 2017 -
tombpool Public
Forked from CoolerVoid/tombpooljust another thread pool library in ANSI C
C GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMay 14, 2017 -
ice_vector Public
Forked from CoolerVoid/ice_vectorDynamic vector library for C language
C BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedApr 16, 2017 -
compressor-algorithms-test Public
test compressor algorithms and measure the peformance of the variants (like fast vs safe) provided by their respective libraries.
Play-With-Seastar Public
For people who want to quickly get started with Seastar programming!
blockv Public
Export block devices and access them using FUSE.
byte-range-lock-cpp Public
Byte-range lock implementation in modern C++
ghostfs Public
Ghost File System or simply GhostFS
flexible-vector-in-C Public
Demonstration on how to implement a flexible vector using the C programming language. I'm just having a bit of fun =)
IncludeOS Public
Forked from includeos/IncludeOSA minimal, resource efficient unikernel for cloud services