A global .NET Core tool to list dependencies and sub-dependencies of projects in a directory or project file.
This tool was created to help you find libraries that are not compatible between nugets during a framework upgrade, for example, nuget C used in nugets A and B is not compatible and the build log only tells you that an inferior version of library C was detected and does not indicate who uses said library.
The .NET team has already developed something similar that I think is better by giving options such as which libraries you can update, which ones are obsolete or incompatible.
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-nuget-tree
dotnet-nuget-tree [options] <PATH|PROJECT>
<PATH|PROJECT> Where find *.csproj files to load nugets info. If a file is not specified, the command will search the current directory for one.
-v, --verbosity Displays query packages.
-h, --help Show command line help.
-d, --deep Deep search tree, default 2.
-t, --tree Output like a tree packages, default true.
$ dotnet-nuget-tree -d 2
├── dotnet-nuget-tree/ 3 packages
│ ├── Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client [5.2.7]
│ │ ├── Newtonsoft.Json [10.0.1]
│ │ └── Newtonsoft.Json.Bson [1.0.1]
│ ├── Microsoft.Build [15.9.20]
│ │ ├── Microsoft.Build.Framework [15.9.20]
│ │ ├── Microsoft.Win32.Registry [4.3.0]
│ │ ├── System.Collections.Immutable [1.5.0]
│ │ ├── System.Diagnostics.TraceSource [4.0.0]
│ │ ├── System.IO.Compression [4.3.0]
│ │ ├── System.Reflection.Metadata [1.6.0]
│ │ ├── System.Reflection.TypeExtensions [4.1.0]
│ │ ├── System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation [4.3.0]
│ │ ├── System.Runtime.Loader [4.0.0]
│ │ ├── System.Text.Encoding.CodePages [4.0.1]
│ │ └── System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow [4.6.0]
│ └── Microsoft.CodeAnalysis [3.0.0]
│ ├── Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Workspaces []
│ └── Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Workspaces []
└── tests/ 3 packages
├── Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk [15.9.0]
├── xunit [2.4.0]
└── xunit.runner.visualstudio [2.4.0]