To make changes to the website:
- Make a Github account if you don’t have one already
- Create a fork in the most recent version -
- Follow these instructions based on the changes needed (you should not need to change anything else about the website!)
- Board headshots, names, and emails
- Go to msa_website/images
- Delete the files of the previous board headshots
- Be sure to keep track of the name of the files as they are in the code!
- Add files of the new board headshots labelled “firstname-headshot.jpg”
- Replace the names of the files in the index.html file accordingly
There will be a section of code that looks like this and will repeat for each position of the board. Find the position you are looking for and replace the following in this order: file name, full name of person, position name, email address.
<!-- Slide --> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="card"> <img class="card-image" src="images/summer-headshot.jpg" alt="alternative"> <div class="card-body"> <div class="testimonial-author">Summer Shabana</div> <div class="testimonial-position">Co-President</div> <div class="testimonial-text"></div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end of swiper-slide --> <!-- end of slide -->
- New Student Guide
- Go to msa_website/pdfs/
- Delete the file of the previous guide
- Add file of the new guide labelled “new_student_guide.pdf”
- Board headshots, names, and emails
- Publish requests by uploading the updated server to Rice server
Make sure you are connected to a Rice network or the VPN using this -
If you don’t already have access, email IT Help at and ask to add your NetID to the Active Directory File Security Group to edit the Rice MSA website
Follow the steps in this link for your device:
When connecting to the server for Mac: smb:// Activities/Public/www/ (there is a space between Student and Activities)
When connecting to the server for PC:
\\Student Activities\Public\www[]( (there is a space between Student and Activities)
Check the website and redo process for any additional changes
Disconnect from server
- Commit changes using git and push to your fork.
- Send a pull request to merge with master branch.