Each response always contains error information in error
variable. If error
is true
indicating an error occurred.
- response
{ error: boolean, message: string }
POST /register
example link request
{ email: string, password: string, fullname: string, }
response type
{ error: boolean, message: string }
example response
{ error: false, message:"user successfully registered" }
POST /login
example link request
{ email: string, password: string }
{ error: boolean, data:[ { User_ID: string, FullName: string, Email: string, Password: string, Latitude: number, Longitude: number } ], message: string }
example response
{ "error": false, "data": [ { "User_ID": "001", "FullName": "Andi Budi", "Email": "andibudi@gmail.com", "Latitude": -7.78297, "Longitude": 110.367, "Password": "andibudi123" } ], "message": "Login successful" }
GET /logout
example link request
{ error: boolean, message: string }
example response
{ "error": false, "message": "Logout successful!" }
GET /logged
example link request
{ error: boolean, message: string }
example response
{ "error": true, "message": "Unauthorized" }
GET /api/recomendation-place/?key=user_id
example link request
- key: user_id
{ error: boolean, data: [ { place_id: string, name: string, Latitude: number, Longitude: number, OverallRating: number, UserRatingTotal: number, StreetAddress: string | null, District: string | null, City: string | null, Regency: string | null, Province: string | null, distance: number, distanceTime: number, photoReference: string } ] }
example response
{ "error": false, "data": [ { "place_id": "ChIJ7d_nCsBZei4R4nM70A44-UE", "name": "Mucho Cafe & Bar", "Latitude": -7.77629, "Longitude": 110.403, "OverallRating": 4.6, "UserRatingTotal": 157, "StreetAddress": null, "District": "Kec. Depok", "City": null, "Regency": "Kabupaten Sleman", "Province": "Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta", "distance": 1.899, "distanceTime": 5.7, "photoReference": "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/photo?maxwidth=400&photoreference=AZose0n44irQKceF96xE-V8s_HD7WS24nu_NwcZfZjf7shHyVaulb7nMeErddF6aRA8-PUw_w29sQB3OHeo3m_zZCH8Qb8o7HOEY8J-KK0G2owqp2dbr63_lfEEFWvWHkn9xynvzz0UNMJkMDS6k_Y56TmPtL9kk-0MZYjDM_cRZC3jz5Djd&key=FILL_THIS_WITH_YOUR_MAP_API_KEY" }, { "place_id": "ChIJa4xFOZNZei4RddSVY-39S8s", "name": "Goodwin Bar and Eatery", "Latitude": -7.7723, "Longitude": 110.41, "OverallRating": 4.5, "UserRatingTotal": 211, "StreetAddress": "Jl. Selokan Mataram No.1-3", "District": "Kec. Depok", "City": null, "Regency": "Kabupaten Sleman", "Province": "Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta", "distance": 1.34, "distanceTime": 4.02, "photoReference": "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/photo?maxwidth=400&photoreference=AZose0kVwyJeOnSISV6hS6KasHMLCbTe9cb23IcLkepI5LkR1hUkrYWL8LDe7xoIKvy7Q2D-ZuX_z3pemGd2Ux8Vn6i18zPDc-fvLnU0nIYbqPEdKMozQwcpyhyI0OO71yZ7PTZIUuu1phtYm-JWi2EDWLTYx1I17dVRXA5JrMMqkh0fi3H-&key=FILL_THIS_WITH_YOUR_MAP_API_KEY" }, { "place_id": "ChIJQ2aVkI9Xei4RnZIJFH9yaN8", "name": "Pendopo Lawas", "Latitude": -7.80435, "Longitude": 110.366, "OverallRating": 4.4, "UserRatingTotal": 10024, "StreetAddress": "Jl. Alun-Alun Utara", "District": "Kecamatan Kraton", "City": "Kota Yogyakarta", "Regency": null, "Province": "Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta", "distance": 6.822, "distanceTime": 20.47, "photoReference": "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/photo?maxwidth=400&photoreference=AZose0m74QVzJtU287w3HDgX-6noRiDNs7mVPrrRb1uCJ4y8GR2Cn-8Cd8vuX01pPYwXYwE3Q_FT5DJadCB-aBBw5Lg9z0qy752KIXfnCt6h-HgxieRqGdDmW4DH_N2Wk2-A0EYubNCxspaszQrLr5sbg3qWCEG8bSGZYOnoLUkHAUkh_OKy&key=FILL_THIS_WITH_YOUR_MAP_API_KEY" }, { "place_id": "ChIJKVwqYEWzey4RD5JYvOOOGgE", "name": "Kandang ogut's", "Latitude": -7.97012, "Longitude": 110.583, "OverallRating": 4.3, "UserRatingTotal": 542, "StreetAddress": null, "District": "Kec. Wonosari", "City": null, "Regency": "Kabupaten Gunung Kidul", "Province": "Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta", "distance": 30.228, "distanceTime": 90.68, "photoReference": "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/photo?maxwidth=400&photoreference=AZose0lBU8PHdvbafQQ2SH6A7mBfYF9LC--wlPiPqJ5N5yZS8KzY-6zRuIsn0-sOhWjw1UE3-pq1v1F-sY9S1RWYUeqOKNUYDhCmwOqN9HVTRsgXRffOL8h9OM3Sbpv20fVGWCQO1iHxbLAx3WPfxXDWpledUm5H_MwTZoQoArqK-j7benjZ&key=FILL_THIS_WITH_YOUR_MAP_API_KEY" }, { "place_id": "ChIJHfSeNgNZei4RT3WiyG3HX_U", "name": "Barley and Barrel", "Latitude": -7.78275, "Longitude": 110.382, "OverallRating": 4.9, "UserRatingTotal": 42, "StreetAddress": "Jl. Urip Sumoharjo No.37", "District": "Kec. Gondokusuman", "City": "Kota Yogyakarta", "Regency": null, "Province": "Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta", "distance": 3.888, "distanceTime": 11.66, "photoReference": "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/photo?maxwidth=400&photoreference=AZose0l72vf7fthF9eK_7x6wrslNSfwDiDC5gNgdj214Z3lGt4yKdt_cHbCfeZQodH6B7YR-yPkN6XdM82uu0EbEBRcj8YVnKU4PKhIwGT-vQrIn1QwQ7v5mpOh4V-ITdHxsIe6r1IHetSVH2ml1uE-6M-9DSGeaIa4VR9C-MNVh5wqxsuRw&key=FILL_THIS_WITH_YOUR_MAP_API_KEY" }, { "place_id": "ChIJFW9moyZYei4RyydF4VnJZgw", "name": "Lucifer", "Latitude": -7.79164, "Longitude": 110.362, "OverallRating": 4.1, "UserRatingTotal": 634, "StreetAddress": "Jl. Sosrowijayan No.71", "District": null, "City": "Kota Yogyakarta", "Regency": null, "Province": "Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta", "distance": 6.249, "distanceTime": 18.75, "photoReference": "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/photo?maxwidth=400&photoreference=AZose0mj0mYIm1sVOH-lh6xiOZLY_vnZOE8cZhfjcDowBzA2fHW8oY9Qq_4Gtlx9ZdWsP8EMFFtF6bSTlilND6qDY5W8H8MWCGuVN0mmq2wwSh3snVWvSrYBFiBAqYdMHSyVvW1nsKwQfZC7BBqjHNNEMzM4H1WYp9ObsKKoJZwvyaQrKsFG&key=FILL_THIS_WITH_YOUR_MAP_API_KEY" }, { "place_id": "ChIJxbpgRkhYei4Ri0J5gvxo4CE", "name": "Eboni Bar And Lounge", "Latitude": -7.77367, "Longitude": 110.369, "OverallRating": 4.8, "UserRatingTotal": 92, "StreetAddress": "Jl. A.M. Sangaji No.72 A", "District": "Kec. 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Mlati", "City": null, "Regency": "Kabupaten Sleman", "Province": "Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta", "distance": 5.351, "distanceTime": 16.05, "photoReference": "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/photo?maxwidth=400&photoreference=AZose0lruBkbe3jd7C9367HhpxBXjR6TPjNrGHAqndzsX4E93mOTXCODaq0_GYrtmZ1aYqabWc7u1aQZt3KJ1fe9GCPcm3wVQHhuGOcIIDLkexy0fqPTvAZfl09JFVy5AU0WwaRyrC1ApHpgPadS9Ha0TIvfzDVZe878zf3mQnyve4ZJZsU&key=FILL_THIS_WITH_YOUR_MAP_API_KEY" }, { "place_id": "ChIJycBiwr5Zei4Rhd7p2_cW6Zw", "name": "Nyore Coffee & Space", "Latitude": -7.78522, "Longitude": 110.367, "OverallRating": 4.8, "UserRatingTotal": 163, "StreetAddress": "Jl. Margo Utomo No.79", "District": "Kec. 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GET /api/detail-place/:place_id
example link request
{ error: boolean overview: [ { Place_ID: string, Name: string, FormattedPhone: string | null, FormattedAddress: string | null, Latitude: number, Longitude: number, OverallRating: number, UserRatingTotal: number, StreetAddress: string | null, District: string | null, City: string | null, Regency: string | null, Province: string | null, PostalNumber: string | null, images: [ string ], open: string | null, close: string | null, } ], tags: [ { categories: [ string ], services: [ string ], } ], reviews: [ { name: string, star: number, reviewtext: string, } ] }
example response
{ "error": false, "overview": [ { "Place_ID": "ChIJHfSeNgNZei4RT3WiyG3HX_U", "Name": "Barley and Barrel", "FormattedAddress": "Ground Floor, Jl. Urip Sumoharjo No.37, Klitren, Kec. Gondokusuman, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55522", "StreetAddress": "Jl. Urip Sumoharjo No.37", "District": "Kec. Gondokusuman", "City": "Kota Yogyakarta", "Regency": null, "Province": "Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta", "PostalNumber": "55522", "FormattedPhone": "(0274) 560284", "Latitude": -7.78275, "Longitude": 110.382, "OverallRating": 4.9, "UserRatingTotal": 42, "images": [ "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/photo?maxwidth=400&photoreference=AZose0kLXqAYV6R_oqDQkQcBwBpVDXLTI1k7DUpFZG3GEprjdUHY3vrJAvFl1CeXdU4GrUXi0-PV3jl8zTQ-AKrl9gEWtaRlK67oT8hRQwx1yDV1zEKq8gB6uhXoARmVHLWEa64ZfJMFZvjUEIlfDqbap9Dv6p7lw2ZbxwzLyV5dAK36sHS7&key=FILL_THIS_WITH_YOUR_MAP_API_KEY", "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/photo?maxwidth=400&photoreference=AZose0n8tXTiNY1_GnP8o63fblKRGVZJX8Q9pI88-fEO0GIqd5KUCj06tKbvQrWynYSf51f6ysf94BNdl8J_hNefWiL_N0e7O9y5OEjBFNQtv0FE14TAWIt7MjAs0qT2BzLoKlo_7RO9D6_TlKJ9Sxyr96gbvLnEHbDXbhuUOD0iCvtg8BJF&key=FILL_THIS_WITH_YOUR_MAP_API_KEY", "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/photo?maxwidth=400&photoreference=AZose0ky2TPvhmMSxRAlL9FsWDiaHspWddJDxJLUkHA7Io0JJaLGhFD_QeR-ql9yHxX4YavSzmAsP-CtmnoZF0u7Hq_kQEOch5C6ECQFSBRgVXXF7GP2xOzlxKTGULlEZpfN4KaKxBIan2u1tJFilKMnSgb0rhRKJkrIGUqPsM8JaNFymTCc&key=FILL_THIS_WITH_YOUR_MAP_API_KEY", "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/photo?maxwidth=400&photoreference=AZose0nyddDUdn2Gf_CTy0YZ42CvRrAKBEF2HdyMKeoAiRMGhfHK-J3I3ARhHBY7D2TRdxllhA5quo_ItLys5dKqC_NbERql5LKI7MQQaD2WTqxztmFN8ji14EHaxa2_du8QMe1I1qrB3Tjp9rn6CBtPNUL1e1Fb5wIARIeSRg4pvjJ1uXvH&key=FILL_THIS_WITH_YOUR_MAP_API_KEY", "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/photo?maxwidth=400&photoreference=AZose0lxzPN4ogrvEjUJ2cf08PBjd2PZGNQyWdVY2YcQ7WEZe3kLbDsb6Lj76w_RGg74v8q38eC4WZZEyOf5avXRjxNkoRkX5m1DNsuvoZohiBOvhMo1AagPYotagg5uIFMvMogf1SYoC8_PxUNg5BXx5MIC0doYzo7x0Zzul-zOzBfaGudB&key=FILL_THIS_WITH_YOUR_MAP_API_KEY", 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beer garden" }, { "name": "august dhianto", "star": 5, "reviewtext": "tempat keren banget makanan minumnya jg mantap endez staff nya jg ramah friendly bgt" }, { "name": "Naelendra Wibisono", "star": 5, "reviewtext": "tempatnya cozy bgdasik buat hang out sama temen ato berdua sama soulmate nyahahahahadont forget bagi kalian yg di jogja silahkan datang aja di barrel barley artotel suite bianti jogjakarta" }, { "name": "Bagus Tri Waskito", "star": 5, "reviewtext": "great and cozy place tempat yg cocok buat hangout bareng temen live music dengan sound yg smooth juga makanan dan minuman yang enak overall great place and services is excellent" }, { "name": "DEDEK GIGIN FAIZIN", "star": 5, "reviewtext": "tempat nongkrong yg asik dengan konsep yg kekinian ada live music live dj karyawan ramah makanan enakk terbaik lah pokok nya" }, { "name": "rose wuland", "star": 5, "reviewtext": "seru ada live musik dan dj nyacocok buat party dan banyak spot yg instagramable lokasinya jga strategis di tengah pusat kota …" }, { "name": "Putri Sugiarti", "star": 5, "reviewtext": "tempat nongkrong asik di jogja staff nya ramah mkanan minumannya enak …" }, { "name": "Indra Gunawan", "star": 5, "reviewtext": "tempat nongki baru diyogya yg sayang kalau belum nyoba kesinigood konsep service …" }, { "name": "Rani Rani", "star": 5, "reviewtext": "staff ramah pelayanannya bagus tempatnya cozy bikin betah berlama lama disini wajib kesini kalau ke jogja …" }, { "name": "Sripit Jiawanti", "star": 5, "reviewtext": "tempat yang asyik dan gokil buat nongkrong malem” sambil nikmatin live music" }, { "name": "hermawan romy", "star": 5, "reviewtext": "nongkrongan favoritelive musik dj food baverage pokoknya paket lengkap" }, { "name": "Dedi Nurcahyo", "star": 5, "reviewtext": "tempat dan pelayananya bikin candu hemm mantàp" }, { "name": "nur ahkmad", "star": 5, "reviewtext": "tempat nongkrong asik di temani live musik" }, { "name": "Abdull Rosid", "star": 5, "reviewtext": "tempat nongki asyiikmantaap" }, { "name": "Kartini T. Baskoro", "star": 5, "reviewtext": "tempat yang bagus untuk hang out berkumpul dengan teman atau kencan keluarga suasana yang bagus dengan pertunjukan musik live pilihan terbaik untuk minuman dengan makanan yang luar biasa sangat direkomendasikan" }, { "name": "David Villarreal", "star": 5, "reviewtext": "suasana luar biasa dan makanan enak saya juga sangat suka pilihan bir mereka" }, { "name": "わたなべかな", "star": 5, "reviewtext": "ada beberapa toko di yogyakarta di mana anda dapat minum alkohol tetapi staf di sini baik dan harganya murah mengingat itu melekat pada hotel sangat santai dan suasananya sempurna bir pada dasarnya adalah botol dan kaleng tetapi jika anda bertanya mereka akan memasukkannya ke dalam cangkir kecil mugnya juga dingin dan gigitan pertama adalah rasa terbaik" }, { "name": "Veronika Tjahyadi", "star": 5, "reviewtext": "mereka menyajikan berbagai produk berkualitas baik salah satu bar terbaik di yogya" }, { "name": "Mohammad Reza", "star": 5, "reviewtext": "tempat yang bagus dengan banyak makanan dan minuman enak juga suasana dan suasananya memang luar biasa dan yang tak kalah pentingnya layanan dari staf mereka adalah yang terbaik" }, { "name": "Aditya Trisna", "star": 5, "reviewtext": "seperti tempat ini suasana dan suasana yang bagus pelayanan dan kebersihan bagus mencoba sayap ayam dan pizza rasanya enak minumlah bir ukuran super mereka harga secara keseluruhan masuk akal akan kembali lagi di lain waktu" } ] }
Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
Place_ID | varchar(45) | NO | PRI | NULL | |
Name | varchar(255) | NO | NULL | ||
FormattedPhone | varchar(25) | YES | NULL | ||
FormattedAddress | varchar(255) | YES | NULL | ||
Latitude | float | YES | NULL | ||
Longitude | float | YES | NULL | ||
OverallRating | float | YES | NULL | ||
PriceLevel | float | YES | NULL | ||
Website | varchar(255) | YES | NULL | ||
UserRatingTotal | float | YES | NULL | ||
ServesBeer | tinyint(1) | YES | NULL | ||
ServesWine | tinyint(1) | YES | NULL | ||
ServesVegetarianFood | tinyint(1) | YES | NULL | ||
WheelchairAccessibleEntrance | tinyint(1) | YES | NULL | ||
Halal | tinyint(1) | YES | NULL | ||
StreetAddress | varchar(255) | YES | NULL | ||
District | varchar(255) | YES | NULL | ||
City | varchar(255) | YES | NULL | ||
Regency | varchar(255) | YES | NULL | ||
Province | varchar(255) | YES | NULL | ||
PostalNumber | varchar(25) | YES | NULL |
operation hours
Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
Place_ID | varchar(45) | YES | MUL | NULL | |
Monday_Open | char(5) | YES | NULL | ||
Monday_Close | char(5) | YES | NULL | ||
Tuesday_Open | char(5) | YES | NULL | ||
Tuesday_Close | char(5) | YES | NULL | ||
Wednesday_Open | char(5) | YES | NULL | ||
Wednesday_Close | char(5) | YES | NULL | ||
Thursday_Open | char(5) | YES | NULL | ||
Thursday_Close | char(5) | YES | NULL | ||
Friday_Open | char(5) | YES | NULL | ||
Friday_Close | char(5) | YES | NULL | ||
Saturday_Open | char(5) | YES | NULL | ||
Saturday_Close | char(5) | YES | NULL | ||
Sunday_Open | char(5) | YES | NULL | ||
Sunday_Close | char(5) | YES | NULL |
Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
Place_ID | varchar(45) | YES | MUL | NULL | |
Bar | tinyint(1) | YES | NULL | ||
Cafe | tinyint(1) | YES | NULL | ||
Restaurant | tinyint(1) | YES | NULL |