This project demonstrates implementation of Spring Cloud Gateway.
Clone the following are the 3 projects to local:
- FirstService
- SecondService
- GatewayService
Run all of them using following command: ./mvnw spring-boot:run
Once executed the above command goto browser and hit the following endpoint: First Request --> http://localhost:8082/firstService/firstMessage or Second Request --> http://localhost:8082/firstService/secondMessage or Third Request --> http://localhost:8082/secondService/thirdMessage
Note: The first 2 requests are mapped to first service running port 8080, check the application.yml:
- id: firstServiceModule
uri: http://localhost:8080/
- Path=/firstService/**
and third request is mapped to service running on port 8081.
- id: secondServiceModule
uri: http://localhost:8081/
- Path=/secondService/**
Whereas Gateway service is running on 8082. This proves although above 3 endpoints are hitting Gateway service but they are redirected to either first or second services.
Please also checkout Spring cloud Gateway for more details: