User-friendly Colab notebooks for Neural Style Transfer. Both notebooks are fully functional in Google Colab as of Jun 2021. The notebook for style-transfer-pytorch is capable of producing larger images, as well as running considerably faster than the notebook for Neural Style Transfer & Neural Doodles. The notebooks produce quite different results though, so if you're not in a hurry, you may want to take both for a spin.
Colab for: style-transfer-pytorch (more precisely this fork)
Paper: A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style
This noteook is a batch processor: instead of individual images, it takes directories of content images and style images, and styles each content image with each style image in the directories, saving output images to output directory.
Colab for: Neural Style Transfer & Neural Doodles
Paper: A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style
This noteook is a batch processor: instead of individual images, it takes directories of content images and style images, and styles each content image with each style image in the directories, saving output images to output directory.