A server + utils to manage a Raspberry Pi Camera
To run the server, please refer to Picamera install guide. But, in theory, the system should be already configured to run the server
For the additional commands (capture an image using a cronjob, backup of images), the following packages are required
curl, rsync
The scipt create a server streaming camera video using M-JPEG format. It can be reached via http://%server_ip%:8000 In addition, visiting the url http://%server_ip%/capture.html captures the current frame on a file
A systemd Service concept is used to start the streamer at reboot
Create /etc/systemd/system/raspicam-server.service file
Description=RaspiCam Server
ExecStart=python3 %Your_script_dir%/cam-streamer.py --folder %folder_where_download_pictures%
Enable the server:
sudo systemctl enable raspicam-server.service
The command output should look like Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/raspicam-server.service → /etc/systemd/system/raspicam-server.service.
And, finally, start the server:
sudo systemctl start raspicam-server.service
To check the status:
sudo systemctl status raspicam-server.service
TODO: run the service with non-priviledged user. Potentially, using this tutorial https://indomus.it/guide/come-installare-e-configurare-home-assistant-su-un-raspberry-pi-gia-in-uso/#autostart
In order to capture images at a given time (for example, for a timelapse), create a cronjob for the given interval.
First, check the script has execution permission
chmod +x %Your_script_dir%/capture_frame.sh
Then, edit the crontab (user or root, up to you to decide)
crontab -e
And add this command
# Runs at every 15th minute past every hour from 7 through 18 on every day-of-week from Monday through Saturday.
*/15 7-18 * * 1-6 %Your_script_dir%/capture_frame.sh
Some links on how to manage cronjobs