A React dashboard app built using Syncfusion React UI and Tailwind CSS
Here're some of the project's best features:
- An interactive dashboard
- 3 different pages : Orders, Customers and Employees
- Calendar app with event adding functionality
- Kanban-like app with a to-do list
- 9 type of graphs - fully interactive
1. To start using this app you first need to clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/ragibs/shoppy
2. Then you will need to install all the required packages for the app and server. After you in the correct folder (app or server) run this command (if you're using npm):
npm i
3. Finally to run the app run the following command in both folder:
npm start
Technologies used in the project:
- React
- react-router-dom
- Tailwind CSS
- Syncfusion React UI