CDR Asterisk is a web application written with the codeigniter 4 framework, which allows you to view the details of a call and listen to recordings. Includes:
- Crud for users
- Crud for groups and permissions
- Internationalization
Next steps:
- [] Improve the dashboard View
- [] Upload photo in profile user
git clone
cd cdr-asterisk
composer install
cp env .env
vi .env
chmod -R 777 writable
php spark migrate -all
php spark db:seed UserSeed
php spark db:seed AuthGroupsSeed
php spark db:seed AuthGroupUsersSeed
php spark db:seed AuthPermissions
php spark db:seed AuthGroupsPermissions
ln -s /var/spool/asterisk/monitor /var/www/html/cdr-asterisk/public/assets/audios
- User:
- Pass: password
Free Software, Hell Yeah!