- Toronto, ON
- http://blog.raeez.com/genesis
- @raeez
minimal-cnn Public
A basic convolution neural network for image classification
Python UpdatedApr 10, 2020 -
amstex-template Public
Project template for development/management of large AmSTeX LaTeX projects
TeX UpdatedJul 13, 2017 -
etingof-lie Public
Forked from darijgr/etingof-lieLecture notes from Pavel Etingof's class on infinite-dimensional Lie algebras
TeX UpdatedJun 11, 2017 -
monet Public
Server infrastructure for a web application. Includes free toy web app.
arxiv_speaker Public
Forked from misho104-obsolete/arxiv_speakerTwitter Bot to tweet daily new submissions on arXiv
Ruby UpdatedJan 16, 2014 -
Mirror of ghc repository. DO NOT SUBMIT PULL REQUESTS HERE
textadv Public
Forked from kmill/textadvAn interactive fiction engine written in Python
packages-ghc-prim Public
Forked from ghc/packages-ghc-primMirror of packages-ghc-prim repository. DO NOT SUBMIT PULL REQUESTS HERE
testsuite Public
Forked from ghc/testsuiteMirror of testsuite repository. DO NOT SUBMIT PULL REQUESTS HERE
dripls Public
Forked from hulu/dripls"CDN in a box" that can shape network traffic for testing HTTPLS
hakyll-examples Public
Forked from jaspervdj/hakyll-examplesExamples for the Hakyll static site generator
hoopl Public
Forked from ezyang/hooplHigher-order optimization library
snap-server Public
Forked from snapframework/snap-serverAn iteratee-based HTTP server library, which runs Snap web handlers.
snap-core Public
Forked from snapframework/snap-coreCore type definitions (Snap monad, HTTP types, etc) and utilities for web handlers.
yi Public
Forked from yi-editor/yiThe Haskell-Scriptable Editor
dmx512-driver Public
A driver and plug-in framework for interfacing with lighting systems using the dmx-512 protocol
ghcjs Public
Forked from ghcjs/ghcjsHaskell to Javascript compiler (via GHC)
scion Public
Forked from nominolo/scionIDE library for Haskell based on the GHC API.