This is an application for constructing property graphs from relational databases.
In order to use the application, a config.ini file is necessary for specifying the input/output databases connections. The format is the following:
Where the connectionString represents the jdbc connection string format as defined here:
The application has been tested with MySQL, PostgreSQL, sqlite, Oracle.
The application will generate the graph into the output database under the tables: node, edge and property. Also, 3 CSV files are generated in the root folder called: nodes.csv, edges.csv and properties.csv. You can use these files as input for a Neo4j instance by running the script presented in file script.cypher located in this repository.
For more information on how to install and setup a Neo4j instance refer to this website: For more information on where to copy/paste the csv files, please see Section 2 in the following tutorial: (ignore the cypher (LOAD) queries in this article and use the queries from script.cypher instead.)
Use Neo4j instance for visualization. Need plugin APOC installed (dynamic labels) ->