In lib folder you have different files with interaction example how to use MongoDb with Nodejs.
Every files can work independant.
In Rest Api folder you have an example in a real case.
Don't forget to install the package for the REST Api:
npm install
In the lib folder you have separate example to show: how to use the each functions of mongoDb. In the lib coffee script folder you have separate example to show: how to use the each functions of mongoDb but with coffeescript syntax.
You have a Rest Api example in the folder RestAPiExample, this is a global example how to use MongoDb in a real case. And of course the same Api with coffee Script syntax.
Written in: C++
Main point: Retains some friendly properties of SQL. (Query, index)
License: AGPL (Drivers: Apache)
Protocol: Custom, binary (BSON)
Master/slave replication (auto failover with replica sets) Sharding built-in Queries are javascript expressions
Run arbitrary javascript functions server-side Better update-in-place than CouchDB Uses memory mapped files for data storage Performance over features Journaling (with --journal) is best turned on On 32bit systems, limited to ~2.5Gb An empty database takes up 192Mb GridFS to store big data + metadata (not actually an FS) Has geospatial indexing Data center aware
Best used: If you need dynamic queries. If you prefer to define indexes, not map/reduce functions. If you need good performance on a big DB. If you wanted CouchDB, but your data changes too much, filling up disks.
For example: For most things that you would do with MySQL or PostgreSQL, but having predefined columns really holds you back.
If you want to test your API before using it in a client application, you can invoke your REST services straight from a browser address bar. For example, you could try:
You will only be able to test your GET services that way. A more versatile solution to test RESTful services is to use cURL, a command line utility for transferring data with URL syntax.
For example, using cURL, you can test the Wine Cellar API with the following commands:
Get all unicorns:
curl -i -X GET http://localhost:3000/unicorns
Get unicorn with _id value of 5069b47aa892630aae000007 (use a value that exists in your database):
curl -i -X GET http://localhost:3000/unicorns/5069b47aa892630aae000007
Delete unicorn with _id value of 5069b47aa892630aae000007:
curl -i -X DELETE http://localhost:3000/unicorns/5069b47aa892630aae000007
Add a new unicorn:
curl -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name": "charlie", "status": "happy"}' http://localhost:3000/unicorns
Modify unicorn with _id value of 5069b47aa892630aae000007:
curl -i -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name": "charlie", "status": "happy"}' http://localhost:3000/unicorns/5069b47aa892630aae000007
MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
It's just example as tutorial, so no copyright, use it like you want. The project use the MIT license.