Backend written on dotnet, frontend on angular by brakoczi
Build docker images:
docker build -t translator-api:latest -f .\LanguageWire.Api\Dockerfile .
cd LanguageWire.WebApp
docker build -t translator-webapp:latest -f .\Dockerfile .
Run docker images:
docker run -p 5000:5000/tcp translator-api
docker run -p 5001:80/tcp translator-webapp
Frontend access: http://localhost:5001/index.html
Api access: http://localhost:5000/index.html
To run the services without docker you need:
- .Net 6 LTS
- node 8<=
- npm 14<=
- python3
- pyton3 libs(requests)
To run dotnet tests you need to modify "inMemorySettings" to point to your python installation folder