I updated all the files 9/26/24.
I'm having an issue getting three Voltage Controlled Resistor models in the link below to work in Qucs-S.
I made three netlists, VCResistor1.cir, VCResistor2.cir and VCResistor3.cir and confirmed they work in ngspice.
Normally I edit the Qucs-S generated netlist but this time I edited the netlist from the web page above.
VCRES2.cir is the same as the original model VCRES2.lib but uses .PARAM R=10k.
I cannot get "VRES2_tran.sch" or "VRES2_lib_tran.sch" to work. "VRES2_lib_tran.sch" should be the same as "VCResistor2.cir".
TODO list
- Add SPICE entry for VCresistor device
- Change Qucsator netlist entry to make this device ADMS-independent