- An extensible multi-threaded system for crawling multiple website articles.
- Provide users with an interface to crawl articles based on user-defined standard.
- By default, the system saves the crawl results to txt files.
- Add a new website source.
- Dispatcher
- Crawler
- Article parser
- Article format
- Configuration
- Take Apple Daily as an example.
- Real system outputs
https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/index.html{ author: Author, title: Title, board: Board, content: Content, date: Date, ip: IP, url: URL, pushList: [{ push_userid: UserID, push_content: Content, push_ipdatetime: Datetime, push_tag: Tag }, { ... }, { ... }] }
https://tw.appledaily.com/new/realtime/{ title: Title, view: View, date: Date, content: Content, url: URL, keywords: [ keyword_1, keyword_2, ... ] }
* UserDefinedFunction.java
* User-defined functions for articles that meet the standards.
* MySQL - website
* Record the source of the website that the user wants to crawl.
Schema : id , web , board , createAt
'1', 'PTT', 'joke', '2019-04-19 15:43:11'
* MySQL - donelist
* Record article information that has been crawled.
Schema : id , web , board , article , articleDate, createAt
'1', 'PTT', 'joke', '/bbs/joke/M.1555471681.A.378.html', '4/17' , '2019-04-19 19:19:08'
1. Dispatcher
* New: When getting a board to be processed.
* Terminated: When the system finishes assigning all the article URLs that need to be crawled.
2. Crawler
* New: At the beginning of the program.
* Terminated: At the end of the program.
In a period of time, the cumulative number of pushes does not necessarily reach the popularity standard.
Therefore, we need to review the articles within 10 pages.
生活 life
財經 busi
地產 property
政治 polit
體育 sport
副刊 strange
社會 local
3C ccc
娛樂 enter
論壇 blog
國際 inter
時尚 fashion
壹週刊 nextmag
車市 auto