Check out the open beta for a bookmarking service I'm working on,
All feedback is appreciated, you can do that @elrumo on Twitter
Replacement icons for popular apps in the style of macOS Big Sur. To view a full list of icons, go to this website, now you can also submit icons directly from there.
Please note, for my own sanity I will be checking and updating this site around twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays. So if you make any pull requests, expect them to be merged/checked around those days. Thanks!
It's super easy! We've made sure that all icons here work with no problem. You just need to download the icon you want, find the app to update on Finder, select it and "File/Get Info" or "cmd + i and drag and drop the downloaded .icns file to the new window.
Download the template for Sketch, Figma, Photoshop or Illustrator.
Here are some rules you show know:
- Don't use spaces for the icon names, instead use "_"
- When using the template, export in 1x (high res).
- Go to and click on "Contribute"
- If you are creating an icon for an open-source project, please consider submitting the icon to their respective repository for their use as well.
If you'd like to contribute code to the website, feel free to create a pull request or an issue exlaining what you're planning on doing.
The following icons are either being worked on or have been suggested. If you have any suggestions create a new issue with the name of the app as the title here.
- 1Password
- 5217
- Ableton Live Standard & Suite
- AdBlocker
- AdGuard
- Adobe_Acrobat
- Adobe_After_Effects
- Adobe_Animate
- Adobe_Audition
- Adobe_Bridge
- Adobe_CC
- Adobe_Character_Animation
- Adobe_Dimension
- Adobe_Dreamweaver
- Adobe_Illustrator
- Adobe_InCopy
- Adobe_Indesign
- Adobe_Lightroom
- Adobe_Media_Encoder
- Adobe_Photoshop
- Adobe_Portfolio
- Adobe_Prelude
- Adobe_Premiere_Pro
- Adobe_Rush
- Adobe_Spark
- Adobe_Stock
- Adobe_XD
- Affinity_Designer
- Affinity_Photo
- Affinity_Publisher
- Alfred
- AltServer
- Amphetamine
- Amplitube
- Amplitube_Auth_Manager
- Android_Studio
- Android_Studio_Beta
- App Cleaner
- Astropad
- Astropad_Studio
- Atom
- Authy Desktop
- Autodesk_Sketch
- BBEdit
- Backup_And_Sync
- Bartender
- Bear_Notes
- BetterTouchTool
- Brave
- Brave_Nightly
- Calibre
- Capo
- CCleaner
- Chrome_Canary
- Cinema 4D
- CleanMyMac
- Compressor
- CraftDocs
- Custom_Shop
- Daisy Disk
- Dark_Reader
- Dashlane
- DaVinci Resolve and DaVinci Resolve Studio
- DayOne
- Deliveries
- Discord
- DJay_Pro
- Downie
- Drafts
- Dropbox
- Dropbox_alt
- Dropbox_alt2
- DuckDuckGo
- Electron
- Emcee
- Epic_games
- Evernote
- Fantastical
- FB_messenger
- Figma
- Filezilla
- Final_Cut_Pro
- Final_Cut_Pro_Alt
- Firefox
- Firefox_dev
- Flux
- Folx
- FontLab
- Garageband
- Github
- Glance
- Google_Chrome
- Google_Chrome_Alt
- Grammarly
- GraphQL_Playground
- Handbrake
- HapticKey
- Harvest
- Highland 2
- Honey
- Hue_Sync
- Hyper
- Icons_8
- Iina
- Iina_alt
- Image2Icon
- ImageOptim
- Install macOS Beta
- Keka
- Keyboard_Maestro
- LastPass
- Launchpad
- Launchpad_alt
- Logic_Pro_X
- Logic_Pro_X_Alt
- LookUp
- Loopback
- MacMediaKeyForwarder
- MagicPrefs
- Magnet
- MainStage
- Malwarebytes
- Material_Colors
- Material_Palette_Generator
- Microsoft_Edge
- Microsoft_Excel
- Microsoft_Excel_Alternate
- Microsoft_OneDrive_Alternate
- Microsoft_OneNote
- Microsoft_OneNote_Alternate
- Microsoft_Outlook
- Microsoft_Outlook_Alternate
- Microsoft_Powerpoint
- Microsoft_Powerpoint_Alternate
- Microsoft_Teams
- Microsoft_Teams_Alternate
- Microsoft_To_Do
- Microsoft_To_Do_Alternate
- Microsoft_Word
- Microsoft_Word_Alternate
- Minecraft
- Minimal_Consent
- Mosaic
- Motion
- Musescore
- Netflix
- NordVPN
- NordVPN 2
- NordPass
- NordLocker
- Notability
- Notion
- OmniFocus
- OneDrive
- Open_Emu
- Opera
- Origin
- P-Touch
- Parallels_Desktop
- Parcel
- Permute
- Permute_Dark
- Pipifier
- Pixelmator_Pro
- Plex
- Quip
- Radiant
- Raindrop
- Redacted
- Reeder
- Reflector
- Rhinoceros
- Screenshots
- Sensei
- Setapp
- Signal
- Sip
- Sketch
- Sketchup
- Slack
- Spark
- Speedtest
- Spotify
- Spotify_Alternate
- Steam
- StopTheMadness
- Sublime_Text
- Swift_Playgrounds
- Swift_Playgrounds_Alt
- Swift_Playgrounds_Alt2
- Teamspeak
- Telegram
- Tidal
- Tidal 2
- Things_3
- Tower
- Transmission
- Transmit
- Trello
- ToothFairy
- Tweetbot
- UAD_Console
- UAD_Control_Panel
- The Unarchiver
- Unicorn_Unblocker
- Unity_Editor
- Unity_Hub
- VMware_Fusion
- Visual_Studio
- Visual_Studio_Code
- Visual_Studio_Code_alt2
- Visual_Studio_Code_alt3
- WebBites
- Wipr
- XScope
- Xcode
- Yoink
- Zoom
- blender_dark
- blender_light
- cDock
- coconutBattery
- iA_writer
- iA_writer_dark
- iMovie
- iMovie_Alt
- iStat
- iTerm
- Übersicht
- AdBlock Plus
- AnyDesk
- Apowermirror
- Araxis Merge
- Audio MIDI Setup
- Avid Sibelius
- Balena Etcher
- Battery Health 2
- Bitwarden
- Browserosaurus
- Canary Mail
- Chromium
- Chronicle Pro
- CotEditor
- Cuphead
- Diagrams
- Disconnect Premium
- Edison Mail
- Elmedia Player
- EverWeb
- Firefox Nightly
- Garmin Express
- GeoGebra
- Gmail
- GoodNotes
- Hearthstone
- Hidden Bar
- KeepingYouAwake
- Keyboard Maestro
- LibreOffice
- LyricsX
- MacUpdater
- Macs Fan Control
- Mactracker
- Minimal Consent
- Movist Pro
- NextDNS
- Pioneer Rekordbox
- Pixelmator
- Presentify
- Private Internet Access
- ProWritingAid
- Quicken
- Roblox
- Roblox Studio
- Sketchup Layout
- Sketchup Style Builder
- SoundflowerBed
- Speechify
- Splice
- StopTheMadness
- Streamlabs OBS
- Supernova Studio
- Tampermonkey
- TeamViewer
- VideoDuke
- Western Digital Discovery
- Zotero
- mpv
- qBittorrent
- smcFanControl
We do not intend to steal any one's icons, if your icon has been included and you have not given us explicit persmission is only because it was freely avaliable. If you would like your icons removed, please send an email to Elias at with the name of the icons to remove and some proof you made them, like a screenshot or a link to your page.
Designed By | Icon Name |
Elias | iA Writer |
Dashlane | |
Figma | |
Iina | |
Opera | |
OneDrive | |
Spark | |
Sublime Text | |
Transmit | |
VS Code | |
WebBites | |
Hyper | |
iTerm 2 | |
Xcode | |
Swift_Playgrounds | |
Brave | |
Raindrop | |
Astropad_Studio | |
Harvest | |
Epic_games | |
Transmission | |
Icons_8 | |
OmniFocus | |
Dropbox | |
Dropbox_alt | |
VLC | |
Astropad | |
Electron | |
Malwarebytes | |
iMovie | |
Reeder | |
Filezila | |
Discord | |
coconutBattery | |
Atom | |
Pixelmator_Pro | |
Open Emu | |
Firefox_dev | |
Firefox | |
Minecraft | |
Calibre_alt | |
Github | |
Iina_alt | |
NordVPN | |
Netflix | |
Drafts | |
Facebook Messenger | |
Origin | |
Anmol | iTerm |
Affinity Suite | |
Permute 3 (Light & Dark variants) | |
Yoink | |
Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint and OneNote | |
Google Chrome Canary | |
1Password | |
5217 (Web App) | |
FontLab | |
Sip 2 | |
Slack | |
Redacted | |
Amphetamine | |
Rhino for macOS | |
Material Palette Generator (Web App) | |
Android Studio | |
Sensei | |
Reflector 3 | |
cDock | |
Telegram | |
Spotify | |
Google Chrome | |
Sketch | |
Haptic Key | |
Mattophobia | Musescore |
Garageband | |
iMovie_Alt | |
Swift Playgrounds (Alt) | |
Swift Playgrounds (Alt 2) | |
Alfred | |
Amplitube | |
Amplitube Auth Manager | |
Custom Shop | |
AltServer | |
Backup & Sync | |
Bartender | |
BetterTouchTool | |
Capo | |
Dark Reader | |
DuckDuckGo | |
Emcee | |
Flux | |
Folx | |
Handbrake | |
iStat | |
Launchpad (Alt) | |
Loopback | |
Mosaic | |
OBS | |
P-Touch | |
Signal | |
Speedtest | |
Teamspeak | |
UAD Console | |
UAD Control Panel | |
Unicorn Unblocker | |
Compressor | |
Final Cut Pro (Alt) | |
Logic Pro X (Alt) | |
MainStage | |
Motion | |
Google Chrome (Alt) | |
Downie | |
Pipifier | |
MacMediaKeyForwarder | |
Blender | |
Gracjan | BBEdit |
Brave Nightly | |
Keyboard Maestro | |
Minimal Consent | |
StopTheMadness | |
Ovennell | NordVPN (Alt 2) |
NordPass | |
NordLocker | |
Visual Studio Code (Alt 2) | |
Visual Studio Code (Alt 3) | |
CCleaner | |
Tidal | |
Tidal (Alt 2) | |
Instagram (alt 2) | |
Austin Condiff | Daisy Disk |
Intellij | |
Microsoft Excel Alternate | |
Microsoft OneDrive Alternate | |
Microsoft OneNote Alternate | |
Microsoft Outlook Alternate | |
Microsoft PowerPoint Alternate | |
Microsoft Teams Alternate | |
Microsoft To Do Alternate | |
Microsoft Visual Studio Code Alternate | |
Microsoft Word Alternate | |
Nova | |
Paste | |
Plex | |
Postman | |
Table Plus | |
Nathan Cheng | Anki |
Audio Hijack | |
BBEdit Alt | |
Blender | |
Cardhop | |
Cinema 4D | |
DaVinci Resolve | |
Dozer | |
Final Draft | |
Highland 2 | |
Kaleidoscope | |
Keka | |
Magnet | |
PDF Expert | |
Poolside FM Alt | |
Reeder Alt | |
Sidenotes | |
Soulver | |
Spark Alt | |
Spotify Alt 2 | |
Steam Alt 2 | |
Things 3 Alt | |
Tot | |
Turbo Boost Switcher Pro | |
Ulysses | |
The Unarchiver | |
WeTransfer | |
Zoom Alt | |
Shreyas Gupta | Apple Music |
Cisco Webex | |
ProgrammerGeek123 (©Apple) | Apple Classroom |
Xcode Beta | |
Xcode Helper Beta | |
Accessibility Inspector | |
File Merge Beta | |
Instruments Beta | |
CreateML | |
Simulator Beta | |
Reality Converter | |
Install macOS Big Sur (all devices) | |
Stijn de Vries | Microsoft Visual Studio Code Alt4 |
Microsoft Visual Studio Code Alt5 | |
Optimage | |
Optimage Alt | |
Step Two Alt | |
Discord Alt 2 | |
Nova | |
Github | |
Pixelmator Pro | |
Pages | |
Numbers | |
octaviotti | Microsoft Visual Studio Code Alt4 |
1Blocker Alt | |
1Password Alt | |
Ableton LIVE | |
Acorn | |
Activity Monitor Alt | |
Adblock Plus | |
AdGuard Alt | |
Adobe Acrobat Pro | |
Adobe Animate Alt | |
Adobe Audition Alt | |
Adobe Bridge Alt | |
Adobe Character Animator Al | |
Adobe Creative Cloud Alt | |
Adobe Dimension Alt | |
Adobe Dreamweaver Alt | |
Adobe Fuse Alt | |
Adobe InCopy Alt | |
Adobe InDesign Alt | |
Adobe Lightroom Alt 2 | |
Adobe Media Encoder Alt | |
Adobe Prelude Alt | |
Adobe Premiere Rush Alt | |
Adobe Spark Alt | |
Affinity Designer Alt | |
Affinity Photo Alt | |
Affinity Publisher Alt | |
Agenda | |
AirBuddy | |
Airfoil | |
AirParrot | |
AirPort Utility | |
Alfred Alt | |
Alternote | |
Amazon Music | |
Amphetamine Alt | |
Android File Transfer Alt | |
Android Studio Alt | |
Androp | |
AppCleaner Alt | |
App Store Alt | |
Artpip | |
Astropad Alt | |
Atom Alt | |
Audiotool | |
Audio MIDI Setup | |
AutoCAD | |
Automator | |
Avast | |
Backblaze | |
Balsamiq Mockups | |
Bartender Alt | |
Battery Guardian | |
Battery Monitor | |
BBedit Alt 2 | |
Beamer | |
Betternet | |
BetterTouchTool Alt | |
Be Focused | |
Bitwarden Alt 2 | |
Bluetooth File Exchange | |
Books | |
Bootcamp Assistant | |
BuildMaster | |
Calculator | |
Calendar | |
CameraBag Cinema | |
Capslocker | |
Caption | |
Capto | |
Carbon Copy Cloner Alt | |
Carrot Weather | |
CCleaner Alt | |
Charles Proxy | |
CheatSheet | |
Chess | |
CiderTV | |
Citra | |
CleanMyMac X | |
CoconutBattery Alt | |
Coda Alt | |
CodeRunner Alt | |
Coffee Buzz | |
ColorSync Utility | |
Color Slurp | |
Console | |
Contacts | |
CorelDRAW | |
CrossOver | |
Daisy Disk Alt | |
Dashboard | |
DaVinci Resolve Alt | |
Day One Alt | |
Deckset | |
DeepL | |
Deezer | |
Deezloader | |
Deluge | |
Developer | |
Dictionary | |
Digital Color Meter | |
Disk Utility Alt | |
Downie Alt | |
Dozer Alt | |
DRC | |
Dropbox Paper | |
Duet Display | |
Duplicate Finder | |
Dynamo | |
Eclipse | |
Elmedia Player | |
Emby | |
EtreCheck | |
Evernote Alt 2 | |
Exodus | |
Facebook Messenger Alt 2 | |
Facetime | |
Fantastical Alt | |
Feedback Assistant | |
FFmpeg | |
Finder | |
Find My | |
Firefox Alt | |
Firefox Nightly | |
Flixtools | |
Flume | |
Flux Alt | |
Folx Alt | |
Font Book | |
Forklift | |
Franz | |
Free Download Manager | |
Garageband Alt | |
GeForce Now | |
Gemini 2 | |
GeoGebra | |
Get Backup Pro | |
GIPHY Capture | |
Git | |
GitHub Desktop Alt 2 | |
Google Backup and Sync | |
Google Calendar | |
Google Chrome | |
Google Chrome Remote Desktop Alt | |
Google Docs Alt | |
Google Drive | |
Google Earth | |
Google Gmail | |
Google Hangouts | |
Google Keep | |
Google Meet | |
Google Messages | |
Google News | |
Google Photos Alt | |
Google Podcasts | |
Google Sheets Alt | |
Google Slides Alt | |
Grandperspective | |
Grapher | |
Guitar Pro | |
HazeOver | |
HiddenMe | |
Holdr | |
Home | |
Hyper Alt | |
iCloud Control | |
IconFly | |
iConvert | |
iDisplay | |
iHash | |
iLOK License Manager | |
Image2Icon Alt | |
ImageOptim Alt | |
Image Capture | |
iMazing | |
iMovie Alt | |
Instagram Alt 2 | |
Instapaper | |
IntelliJ Php Storm Alt | |
IntelliJ PyCharm Alt | |
iStats Menu Alt 2 | |
Itsycal | |
jDownloader | |
Just Stream | |
Ka-Block | |
Keychain Access | |
Keynote Alt | |
Kindle | |
Kodi | |
LastPass Alt | |
Latest | |
Launchpad Alt | |
League of Legends Alt | |
LiteIcon | |
Logic Pro X Alt 2 | |
Logi Options | |
Luminar | |
MacDroid | |
MacMedia Forwarder Alt | |
Mactracker | |
Magnet Alt | |
Maps | |
Mate Translate Alt | |
MathKey | |
Mattermost | |
MegaSync | |
Messages | |
MetaMovie | |
Microsoft Access | |
Microsoft Edge Alt | |
Microsoft Edge Canary | |
Microsoft Edge Dev | |
Microsoft Excel Alt 2 | |
Microsoft OneDrive Alt 2 | |
Microsoft OneNote Alt 2 | |
Microsoft Outlook Alt 2 | |
Microsoft PowerPoint Alt 2 | |
Microsoft Publisher Alt | |
Microsoft SharePoint Alt | |
Microsoft Teams Alt 2 | |
Microsoft Visual Studio Code Insider | |
Microsoft Word Alt 2 | |
Microsoft Yammer Alt | |
Migration Assistant | |
MiHome | |
Mission Control | |
Momentum | |
Monity | |
Mounty | |
Movie Explorer Pro | |
MPV | |
Multitouch | |
Music | |
Musixmatch | |
News | |
NightOwl | |
NotePlan | |
Notes | |
Notion Alt | |
NTFS for Mac | |
Numbers Alt | |
Numi | |
OBS Alt 2 | |
OfficeMax eBooks | |
OmniFocus Alt | |
OmniGraffle | |
OmniOutliner | |
OmniPlan | |
Omni Disk Sweeper | |
OneCast | |
Onlyoffice | |
Onyx | |
OpenEmu Alt | |
OpenMTP | |
Opera Alt | |
Opera GX | |
Pages Alt | |
Paragon NTFS Mac | |
Parallels Desktop Alt | |
Parcel Alt | |
Paste Alt | |
Path Finder Alt | |
pCloud Drive | |
PDF Expert Alt | |
PDF Squeezer | |
Photos | |
Photoscape X | |
Pikka | |
PiPer | |
Pixave | |
Plex Alt | |
Pocket Casts | |
Podcasts | |
Pomodorome | |
PopClip | |
Postman Alt | |
Preview | |
Prizmo | |
ProtonMail Bridge | |
ProtonVPN | |
qBittorrent Alt | |
QQ Music | |
QR Encoder | |
Quicktime Alt | |
Radio Silence | |
Reddit Alt | |
Reeder Alt 2 | |
Reflector 3 | |
Reflector 3 Teacher | |
Reminders | |
Remote Mouse | |
Remux | |
Rocket | |
Safari | |
ScreenBrush | |
Screenshot Alt | |
Script Editor | |
SD Card Formatter | |
SelfControl | |
Setapp Alt 2 | |
Settings | |
SF Symbols | |
Shazam Alt | |
Shotcut | |
SideNotes Alt | |
Signal Alt | |
Siri | |
Sketchup Alt | |
Sketch Alt 2 | |
Skitch | |
Skype for Business | |
Slack Alt 2 | |
Smart Switch | |
Smash | |
smcFanControl | |
Softorino Youtube Converter | |
Sonos Alt | |
Sourcetree | |
Spark Alt 2 | |
Speedtest | |
Steam | |
Stickies | |
Stocks | |
Streamlabs OBS | |
Stremio | |
Strike | |
Sublime Text Alt | |
Supremo | |
Svgsus | |
Syntorial | |
System Information | |
TablePlus Alt | |
Tabs Saver for Safari | |
Tayasui Sketches | |
TeamPaper Snap | |
TeamViewer Alt | |
Terminal | |
TextMate | |
Text Edit | |
The Unarchiver Alt | |
Time Machine | |
TopoCal | |
Traktor PRO | |
Transmission Alt 2 | |
TripMode | |
Tunnelblick | |
TV | |
Tweetbot Alt 2 | |
Twitch | |
Typeeto | |
Typeface | |
Typora | |
uBar | |
Ultimate Guitar | |
Ulysses Alt | |
Unclutter | |
Unlox | |
Unsplash | |
uTorrent Alt | |
Vanilla | |
Vectornator | |
Vegas Pro | |
VirtualBox | |
Vivaldi | |
VLC | |
VMware Fusion Alt | |
VMWare Horizon | |
VoiceOver Utility | |
Voice Memos | |
Wacom Inkspace | |
Wallpaper Engine | |
Waltr | |
Webtorrent Alt | |
WeTransfer | |
Whatsapp Alt2 | |
WiFi Explorer | |
Wipr | |
WordPress | |
XCode Alt | |
Yahoo Mail | |
Yandex Browser | |
Yeelight | |
Yoink Alt | |
YouTube Music | |
YouTube TV | |
FIGBERT | LibreOffice |
Syncthing | |
Godot | |
Chromium | |
Seaglass | |
Beaker Browser | |
Ledger Live | |
Vimac | |
Blender_Alt_3 | |
Secretive | |
Lumen | |
GOG Galaxy Alt | |
Monero Wallet | |
Jonathan Simcoe | Alacritty |