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Android: Update DFM markdown with latest native code guidance
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Bug: None
Change-Id: I69df296a38cf8f082cff6e05b6fc5c81cce9da90
Commit-Queue: Christopher Grant <>
Reviewed-by: Samuel Huang <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#729959}
  • Loading branch information
Christopher Grant authored and Commit Bot committed Jan 9, 2020
1 parent 7364e69 commit f649d28
Showing 1 changed file with 158 additions and 160 deletions.
318 changes: 158 additions & 160 deletions docs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,13 @@ instance of `foo`/`Foo`/`FOO` with `your_feature_name`/`YourFeatureName`/

### Reference DFM

In addition to this guide, the
[Test Dummy](
module serves as an actively-maintained reference DFM. Test Dummy is used in
automated bundle testing, and covers both Java and native code and resource

### Create DFM target

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -300,7 +307,7 @@ flow that tries to executes `bar()`. Depending on whether you installed your
module (`-m foo`) "`bar in module`" or "`module not installed`" is printed to
logcat. Yay!

### Adding third-party native code
### Adding pre-built native libraries

You can add a third-party native library (or any standalone library that doesn't
depend on Chrome code) by adding it as a loadable module to the module descriptor in
Expand All @@ -316,218 +323,209 @@ foo_module_desc = {

### Adding Chrome native code

Chrome native code may be placed in a DFM.
Chrome native code may be placed in a DFM. The easiest way to access native
feature code is by calling it from Java via JNI. When a module is first
accessed, its native library (or potentially libraries, if using a component
build), are automatically opened by the DFM framework, and a feature-specific
JNI method (supplied by the feature's implementation) is invoked. Hence, a
module's Java code may freely use JNI to call module native code.

A linker-assisted partitioning system automates the placement of code into
either the main Chrome library or feature-specific .so libraries. Feature code
may continue to make use of core Chrome code (eg. base::) without modification,
but Chrome must call feature code through a virtual interface.
Using the module framework and JNI to access the native code eliminates concerns
with DFM library file names (which vary across build variants),
`android_dlopen_ext()` (needed to open feature libraries), and use of dlsym().

Partitioning is explained in [Android Native
This mechanism can be extended if necessary by DFM implementers to facilitate
subsequent native-native calls, by having a JNI-called initialization method
create instance of a object or factory, and register it through a call to the
base module's native code (DFM native code can call base module code directly).

#### Creating an interface to feature code
#### JNI

One way of creating an interface to a feature library is through an interface
definition. Feature Foo could define the following in
Read the `jni_generator` [docs](../base/android/jni_generator/ before
reading this section.

class FooInterface {
virtual ~FooInterface() = default;
There are some subtleties to how JNI registration works with DFMs:

virtual void ProcessInput(const std::string& input) = 0;
* Generated wrapper `ClassNameJni` classes are packaged into the DFM's dex file
* The class containing the actual native definitions, ``, is always
stored in the base module
* If the DFM is only included in bundles that use [implicit JNI
registration]( (i.e.
Monochrome and newer), then no extra consideration is necessary
* Otherwise, the DFM will need to provide a `generate_jni_registration` target
that will generate all of the native registration functions

Alongside the interface definition, also in
`//chrome/android/features/foo/public/foo_interface.h`, it's helpful to define a
factory function type that can be used to create a Foo instance:
#### Calling DFM native code via JNI

typedef FooInterface* CreateFooFunction(bool arg1, bool arg2);
A linker-assisted partitioning system automates the placement of code into
either the main Chrome library or feature-specific .so libraries. Feature code
may continue to make use of core Chrome code (eg. base::) without modification,
but Chrome must call feature code through a virtual interface (any "direct"
calls to the feature code from the main library will cause the feature code to
be pulled back into the main library).

Partitioning is explained in [Android Native

<!--- TODO(cjgrant): Add a full, pastable Foo implementation. -->
The feature library implements class Foo, hiding its implementation within the
library. The library may then expose a single entrypoint, a Foo factory
function. Here, C naming is (optionally) used so that the entrypoint symbol
isn't mangled. In `//chrome/android/features/foo/internal/`:
First, build a module native interface. Supply a JNI method named
`JNI_OnLoad_foo` for the module framework to call, in
`//chrome/android/modules/foo/internal/`. This method is invoked
on all Chrome build variants, including Monochrome (unlike base module JNI).

#include "base/android/jni_generator/jni_generator_helper.h"
#include "base/android/jni_utils.h"
#include "chrome/android/modules/foo/internal/jni_registration.h"

extern "C" {
// This symbol is retrieved from the Foo feature module library via dlsym(),
// where it's bare address is type-cast to its actual type and executed.
// The forward declaration here ensures that CreateFoo()'s signature is correct.
CreateFooFunction CreateFoo;

__attribute__((visibility("default"))) FooInterface* CreateFoo(
bool arg1, bool arg2) {
return new Foo(arg1, arg2);
// This JNI registration method is found and called by module framework code.
JNI_GENERATOR_EXPORT bool JNI_OnLoad_foo(JNIEnv* env) {
if (!base::android::IsSelectiveJniRegistrationEnabled(env) &&
!foo::RegisterNonMainDexNatives(env)) {
return false;
if (!foo::RegisterMainDexNatives(env)) {
return false;
return true;
} // extern "C"
Ideally, the interface to the feature will avoid feature-specific types. If a
feature defines complex data types, and uses them in its own interface, then its
likely the main library will utilize the code backing these types. That code,
and anything it references, will in turn be pulled back into the main library.
Next, include the module entrypoint and related pieces in the build config at
Therefore, designing the feature inferface to use C types, C++ standard types,
or classes that aren't expected to move out of Chrome's main library is ideal.
If feature-specific classes are needed, they simply need to avoid referencing
feature library internals.
*** note
**Note:** To help enforce separation between the feature interface and
implementation, the interface class is best placed in its own GN target, on
which the feature and main library code both depend.
# Put the JNI entrypoint in a component, so that the component build has a
# library to include in the foo module. This makes things feel consistent with
# a release build.
component("foo") {
sources = [
deps = [
#### Marking feature entrypoints
# Instruct the compiler to flag exported entrypoint function as belonging in
# foo's library. The linker will use this information when creating the
# native libraries. The partition name must be <feature>_partition.
if (use_native_partitions) {
cflags = [ "-fsymbol-partition=foo_partition" ]
Foo's feature module descriptor needs to pull in the appropriate native GN code
dependencies, and also indicate the name of the file that lists the entrypoint
symbols. In `//chrome/android/features/foo/foo_module.gni`:
# Generate JNI registration for the methods called by the Java side. Note the
# no_transitive_deps argument, which ensures that JNI is generated for only the
# specified Java target, and not all its transitive deps (which could include
# the base module).
generate_jni_registration("jni_registration") {
targets = [ "//chrome/android/features/foo/internal:java" ]
header_output = "$target_gen_dir/jni_registration.h"
namespace = "foo"
no_transitive_deps = true
foo_module_desc = {
native_deps = [ "//chrome/android/features/foo/internal:foo" ]
native_entrypoints = "//chrome/android/features/foo/internal/module_entrypoints.lst"
# This group is a convenience alias representing the module's native code,
# allowing it to be named "native" for clarity in module descriptors.
group("native") {
deps = [

The module entrypoint file is a text file listing symbols. In this example,
`//chrome/android/features/foo/internal/module_entrypoints.lst` has only a
single factory function exposed:
Now, over to the implementation of the module. These are the parts that
shouldn't know or care whether they're living in a module or not.

# This file lists entrypoints exported from the Foo native feature library.
Add a stub implementation in

#include "base/logging.h"
#include "chrome/android/features/foo/internal/jni_headers/FooImpl_jni.h"

static int JNI_FooImpl_Execute(JNIEnv* env) {
LOG(INFO) << "Running foo feature code!";
return 123;
These symbols will be pulled into a version script for the linker, indicating
that they should be exported in the dynamic symbol table of the feature library.
And, the associated build config in
*** note
**Note:** If C++ symbol names are chosen as entrypoints, the full mangled names
must be listed.
Additionally, it's necessary to map entrypoints to a particular partition. To
follow compiler/linker convention, this is done at the compiler stage. A cflag
is applied to source file(s) that may supply entrypoints (it's okay to apply the
flag to all feature source - the attribute is utilized only on modules that
export symbols). In `//chrome/android/features/foo/internal/`:
static_library("foo") {
source_set("native") {
sources = [
# Mark symbols in this target as belonging to the Foo library partition. Only
# exported symbols (entrypoints) are affected, and only if this build supports
# native modules.
if (use_native_modules) {
cflags = [ "" ]

Feature code is free to use any existing Chrome code (eg. logging, base::,
skia::, cc::, etc), as well as other feature targets. From a GN build config
perspective, the dependencies are defined as they normally would. The
partitioning operation works independently of GN's dependency tree.

static_library("foo") {
# It's fine to depend on base:: and other Chrome code.
deps = [
# Also fine to depend on other feature sub-targets.
deps += [
# And fine to depend on the interface.
deps += [
generate_jni("jni_headers") {
sources = [

#### Opening the feature library

Now, code in the main library can open the feature library and create an
instance of feature Foo. Note that in this example, no care is taken to scope
the lifetime of the opened library. Depending on the feature, it may be
preferable to open and close the library as a feature is used.
`//chrome/android/features/foo/factory/` may contain this:
With a declaration of the native method on the Java side:

std::unique_ptr<FooInterface> FooFactory(bool arg1, bool arg2) {
// Open the feature library, using the partition library helper to map it into
// the correct memory location. Specifying partition name *foo* will open
void* foo_library_handle =
DCHECK(foo_library_handle != nullptr) << "Could not open foo library:"
<< dlerror();

// Pull the Foo factory function out of the library. The function name isn't
// mangled because it was extern "C".
CreateFooFunction* create_foo = reinterpret_cast<CreateFooFunction*>(
dlsym(foo_library_handle, "CreateFoo"));
DCHECK(create_foo != nullptr);
public class FooImpl implements Foo {

// Make and return a Foo!
return base::WrapUnique(create_foo(arg1, arg2));
interface Natives {
int execute();


*** note
**Note:** Component builds do not support partitioned libraries (code splitting
happens across component boundaries instead). As such, an alternate, simplified
feature factory implementation must be supplied (either by linking in a
different factory source file, or using #defines in the factory) that simply
instantiates a Foo object directly.
Finally, the main library is free to utilize Foo:
Finally, augment the module descriptor in
`//chrome/android/modules/foo/foo_module.gni` with the native dependencies:

auto foo = FooFactory::Create(arg1, arg2);
foo->ProcessInput(const std::string& input);
foo_module_desc = {
native_deps = [

#### JNI

Read the `jni_generator` [docs](../base/android/jni_generator/ before
reading this section.
#### Calling feature module native code from base the module

There are some subtleties to how JNI registration works with DFMs:
If planning to use direct native-native calls into DFM code, then the module
should have a purely virtual interface available. The main module can obtain a
pointer to a DFM-created object or factory (implemented by the feature), and
call its virtual methods.

* Generated wrapper `ClassNameJni` classes are packaged into the DFM's dex file
* The class containing the actual native definitions, ``, is always
stored in the base module
* If the DFM is only included in bundles that use
[implicit JNI registration](
(i.e. Monochrome and newer), then no extra consideration is necessary
* Otherwise, the DFM will need to provide a `generate_jni_registration` target
that will generate all of the native registration functions
Ideally, the interface to the feature will avoid feature-specific types. If a
feature defines complex data types, and uses them in its own interface, then its
likely the main library will utilize the code backing these types. That code,
and anything it references, will in turn be pulled back into the main library,
negating the intent to house code in the DFM.

Therefore, designing the feature interface to use C types, C++ standard types,
or classes that aren't expected to move out of Chrome's main library is ideal.
If feature-specific classes are needed, they simply need to avoid referencing
feature library internals.

### Adding Android resources

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