For this project, you will write a Packer template and a Terraform template to deploy a customizable, scalable web server in Azure.
Clone this repository
Create your infrastructure as code
Update this README to reflect how someone would use your code.
- Create an Azure Account
- Install the Azure command line interface
- Install Packer
- Install Terraform
2.2. ✔️ Authenticate to Azure the open Azure portal Bash Cloud Shell to upload project1-tagging-policy.json
Create the Policy Definition:
az policy definition create --name 'tagging-policy' --display-name 'deny-creation-untagged-resources' --description 'This policy ensures all indexed resources in your subscription have tags and deny deployment if they do not' --rules ./project1-tagging-policy.json --mode All
az policy assignment create --name 'tagging-policy' --display-name 'deny-creation-untagged-resources' --policy tagging-policy
az policy assignment list
✔️ Open Azure portal Bash Cloud Shell then upload server.json
✔️ Create a Server Image using below packer command
packer build server.json
✔️ View Images
az image list
Go to folder cd project1-IaC/
Our Terraform template will allow us to reliably create, update, and destroy our infrastructure
Variables from are called from, for example the variable prefix is called as:
In, the description and value is assigned in the following manner:
variable "prefix" {
description = "The prefix which should be used for all resources in this example"
default = "quyetnn-project1"
See all variable in
- Initializing Working Directories
terraform init
- Create infrastructure plan
terraform plan -out solution.plan
- Deploy the infrastructure plan
terraform apply "solution.plan"
- View infrastructure
terraform show
Azure Portal Azuredevops resource created by terraform
✔️ View in Azure Portal
- Destroy infrastructure (when completed) using
to delete all resources except Azuredevops resource group
terraform state list | while read line
if [[ $line == azurerm_resource_group* ]]; then
echo $line " is a resource group and will not be deleted!"
echo "deleting: " $line
terraform destroy -target $line -auto-approve
Using terraform state list
command to skip destroying azurerm_resource_group which lab user can not delete it.
- Delete images(when completed)
az image delete -g Azuredevops -n MyPackerImage
az policy assignment list
az image list
terraform plan -out solution.plan
terraform apply "solution.plan"
terraform show