openedon Feb 28, 2023
Loading DataValues causes a lot of invalidations, which in turn require a lot of already loaded package code to be recompiled (see at the bottom of this post):
It would be nice to at least fix these methods, which together invalidate about 9,000 methods:
Line 223 in d568d25
Line 42 in d568d25
Line 224 in d568d25
Here are the invalidations on v1.8:
julia> using SnoopCompileCore
julia> invalidations = @snoopr using DataValues;
julia> using SnoopCompile
julia> trees = invalidation_trees(invalidations)
13-element Vector{SnoopCompile.MethodInvalidations}:
inserting convert(::Type{Array{S, N}}, X::DataValueArray{T, N}) where {S, T, N} in DataValues at /home/sethaxen/.julia/packages/DataValues/N7oeL/src/array/primitives.jl:271 invalidated:
mt_backedges: 1: signature Tuple{typeof(convert), Type{Vector{Any}}, Any} triggered MethodInstance for setindex!(::Vector{Vector{Any}}, ::Any, ::Int64) (0 children)
inserting |(x::DataValue{Bool}, y::Bool) in DataValues at /home/sethaxen/.julia/packages/DataValues/N7oeL/src/scalar/core.jl:272 invalidated:
mt_backedges: 1: signature Tuple{typeof(|), Any, Bool} triggered MethodInstance for Base._base(::Int64, ::Integer, ::Int64, ::Bool) (0 children)
inserting ^(a::T1, b::DataValue{T2}) where {T1, T2} in DataValues at /home/sethaxen/.julia/packages/DataValues/N7oeL/src/scalar/operations.jl:75 invalidated:
mt_backedges: 1: signature Tuple{typeof(^), String, Any} triggered MethodInstance for OhMyREPL.untokenize_with_ANSI(::IOContext{IOBuffer}, ::Vector{Crayons.Crayon}, ::Vector{Tokenize.Tokens.Token}, ::Any) (0 children)
inserting &(x::Bool, y::DataValue{Bool}) in DataValues at /home/sethaxen/.julia/packages/DataValues/N7oeL/src/scalar/core.jl:254 invalidated:
mt_backedges: 1: signature Tuple{typeof(&), Bool, Any} triggered MethodInstance for div(::Unsigned, ::Int64, ::RoundingMode{:Down}) (0 children)
2: signature Tuple{typeof(&), Bool, Any} triggered MethodInstance for div(::Unsigned, ::Int64, ::RoundingMode{:Up}) (0 children)
3: signature Tuple{typeof(&), Bool, Any} triggered MethodInstance for Base.var"#string#427"(::Int64, ::Int64, ::typeof(string), ::Unsigned) (0 children)
inserting mapreduce(f, op::Function, X::T; skipna) where {N, S<:DataValue, T<:AbstractArray{S, N}} in DataValues at /home/sethaxen/.julia/packages/DataValues/N7oeL/src/array/reduce.jl:109 invalidated:
backedges: 1: superseding mapreduce(f, op, A::Union{Base.AbstractBroadcasted, AbstractArray}; dims, init) in Base at reducedim.jl:357 with MethodInstance for mapreduce(::Base.ExtremaMap{typeof(identity)}, ::typeof(Base._extrema_rf), ::Vector) (8 children)
inserting similar(x::AbstractArray, ::Type{DataValue{T}}, dims::Tuple{Vararg{Int64, N}} where N) where T in DataValues at /home/sethaxen/.julia/packages/DataValues/N7oeL/src/array/primitives.jl:12 invalidated:
backedges: 1: superseding similar(a::AbstractArray, ::Type{T}, dims::Tuple{Vararg{Int64, N}}) where {T, N} in Base at abstractarray.jl:806 with MethodInstance for similar(::UnitRange{Int64}, ::Type, ::Tuple{Int64}) (3 children)
2: superseding similar(a::AbstractArray, ::Type{T}, dims::Tuple{Vararg{Int64, N}}) where {T, N} in Base at abstractarray.jl:806 with MethodInstance for similar(::UnitRange{Int64}, ::DataType, ::Tuple{Int64}) (3 children)
3: superseding similar(a::AbstractArray, ::Type{T}, dims::Tuple{Vararg{Int64, N}}) where {T, N} in Base at abstractarray.jl:806 with MethodInstance for similar(::UnitRange{Int64}, ::Type, ::Tuple{Int64}) (6 children)
1 mt_cache
inserting convert(::Type{Array}, X::DataValueArray{T, N}) where {T, N} in DataValues at /home/sethaxen/.julia/packages/DataValues/N7oeL/src/array/primitives.jl:291 invalidated:
backedges: 1: superseding convert(::Type{T}, a::AbstractArray) where T<:Array in Base at array.jl:617 with MethodInstance for convert(::Type, ::AbstractArray) (15 children)
29 mt_cache
inserting convert(::Type{Vector}, X::DataValueVector{T}) where T in DataValues at /home/sethaxen/.julia/packages/DataValues/N7oeL/src/array/primitives.jl:283 invalidated:
mt_backedges: 1: signature Tuple{typeof(convert), Type{Vector}, Any} triggered MethodInstance for Pkg.REPLMode.Command(::Pkg.REPLMode.CommandSpec, ::Dict{Symbol, Any}, ::Any) (1 children)
2: signature Tuple{typeof(convert), Type{Vector}, Any} triggered MethodInstance for Pkg.REPLMode.Command(::Nothing, ::Dict{Symbol, Any}, ::Any) (12 children)
backedges: 1: superseding convert(::Type{T}, a::AbstractArray) where T<:Array in Base at array.jl:617 with MethodInstance for convert(::Type{Vector}, ::AbstractArray) (2 children)
inserting similar(x::Array, ::Type{DataValue{T}}, dims::Tuple{Vararg{Int64, N}} where N) where T in DataValues at /home/sethaxen/.julia/packages/DataValues/N7oeL/src/array/primitives.jl:16 invalidated:
mt_backedges: 1: signature Tuple{typeof(similar), Vector, Any, Tuple{Int64}} triggered MethodInstance for similar(::Vector, ::Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}}) (2 children)
backedges: 1: superseding similar(a::Array, T::Type, dims::Tuple{Vararg{Int64, N}}) where N in Base at array.jl:378 with MethodInstance for similar(::Vector{Pair{DataType, Function}}, ::DataType, ::Tuple{Int64}) (1 children)
2: superseding similar(a::Array, T::Type, dims::Tuple{Vararg{Int64, N}}) where N in Base at array.jl:378 with MethodInstance for similar(::Vector{Any}, ::DataType, ::Tuple{Int64}) (1 children)
3: superseding similar(a::Array, T::Type, dims::Tuple{Vararg{Int64, N}}) where N in Base at array.jl:378 with MethodInstance for similar(::Vector, ::Type, ::Tuple{Int64}) (1 children)
4: superseding similar(a::Array, T::Type, dims::Tuple{Vararg{Int64, N}}) where N in Base at array.jl:378 with MethodInstance for similar(::Array, ::DataType, ::Tuple{Int64}) (2 children)
5: superseding similar(a::Array, T::Type, dims::Tuple{Vararg{Int64, N}}) where N in Base at array.jl:378 with MethodInstance for similar(::Array, ::Type, ::Tuple{Int64}) (2 children)
6: superseding similar(a::Array, T::Type, dims::Tuple{Vararg{Int64, N}}) where N in Base at array.jl:378 with MethodInstance for similar(::Vector{Pair{DataType, Function}}, ::Type, ::Tuple{Int64}) (6 children)
7: superseding similar(a::Array, T::Type, dims::Tuple{Vararg{Int64, N}}) where N in Base at array.jl:378 with MethodInstance for similar(::Vector{Any}, ::Type, ::Tuple{Int64}) (11 children)
30 mt_cache
inserting !(x::DataValue{T}) where T<:Number in DataValues at /home/sethaxen/.julia/packages/DataValues/N7oeL/src/scalar/core.jl:203 invalidated:
mt_backedges: 1: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for (::Base.var"#97#98"{typeof(iszero)})(::Any) (0 children)
2: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for !=(::Any, ::Int64) (0 children)
3: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for !=(::Int64, ::Any) (0 children)
4: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for !=(::AbstractFloat, ::AbstractFloat) (0 children)
5: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for Pkg.LazilyInitializedFields.lazy_struct(::Expr) (0 children)
6: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for !=(::Any, ::Type{Float64}) (0 children)
7: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for Base.run_main_repl(::Bool, ::Bool, ::Bool, ::Bool, ::Bool) (0 children)
8: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for showerror(::IOContext{Base.TTY}, ::MethodError) (0 children)
9: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for !=(::Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}}, ::Any) (0 children)
10: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for !=(::Union{Nothing, Pkg.Types.UpgradeLevel, VersionNumber, String, Pkg.Versions.VersionSpec}, ::Union{Nothing, Pkg.Types.UpgradeLevel, VersionNumber, String, Pkg.Versions.VersionSpec}) (0 children)
11: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for Base.Sort.var"#sort!#8"(::Base.Sort.Algorithm, ::typeof(isless), ::typeof(identity), ::Nothing, ::Base.Order.ForwardOrdering, ::typeof(sort!), ::Vector) (0 children)
12: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for Base.Sort.var"#sort!#8"(::Base.Sort.Algorithm, ::typeof(isless), ::Function, ::Nothing, ::Base.Order.ForwardOrdering, ::typeof(sort!), ::Vector) (0 children)
13: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for !=(::Any, ::Any) (0 children)
14: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for !=(::Unsigned, ::Int64) (0 children)
15: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for ==(::Dict{String, Any}, ::Dict{String, Any}) (0 children)
16: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for Pkg.REPLMode._completions(::String, ::Bool, ::Int64, ::Int64) (0 children)
17: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for allunique(::AbstractRange) (0 children)
18: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for !=(::Any, ::Char) (0 children)
19: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for ∉(::GlobalRef, ::Any) (0 children)
20: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for Test.do_test_throws(::Test.ExecutionResult, ::Any, ::Any) (0 children)
21: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for Test.eval_test(::Expr, ::Expr, ::LineNumberNode, ::Bool) (0 children)
22: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for !=(::Any, ::Type{Float16}) (0 children)
23: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for !=(::Any, ::Type{Float32}) (0 children)
24: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for Base.CoreLogging.log_record_id(::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Tuple{}) (1 children)
25: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for Base.isdelimited(::IOContext{IOBuffer}, ::Pair{Symbol, Any}) (1 children)
26: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for Base.isdelimited(::IOContext{IOBuffer}, ::Pair) (1 children)
27: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for Base.Docs.moduledoc(::LineNumberNode, ::Module, ::Expr, ::Any, ::Expr) (1 children)
28: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for Base.at_disable_library_threading(::LinearAlgebra.var"#249#250") (1 children)
29: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for Base.at_disable_library_threading(::Function) (1 children)
30: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for REPL.LineEditREPL(::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any) (1 children)
31: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for Base.CoreLogging.log_record_id(::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Tuple{Any, Vararg{Any}}) (2 children)
32: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for Base.Docs.moduledoc(::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Expr) (2 children)
33: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for ==(::Vector{Int64}, ::Array) (2 children)
34: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for REPL._trimdocs(::Markdown.MD, ::Bool) (2 children)
35: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for Base.CoreLogging.log_record_id(::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any) (3 children)
36: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for Base._show_nonempty(::IOContext{Base.TTY}, ::AbstractMatrix, ::String, ::Bool, ::Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}, Base.OneTo{Int64}}) (3 children)
37: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for (::Pkg.REPLMode.var"#command_is_focused#53"{Bool, Int64})() (3 children)
38: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for (::Base.var"#38#40")(::Core.MethodMatch) (9 children)
39: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for (::Base.var"#isword#489")(::Char) (12 children)
40: signature Tuple{typeof(!), Any} triggered MethodInstance for Base.Docs.moduledoc(::LineNumberNode, ::Module, ::Any, ::Any, ::Expr) (15 children)
inserting ==(a::T1, b::DataValue{T2}) where {T1, T2} in DataValues at /home/sethaxen/.julia/packages/DataValues/N7oeL/src/scalar/core.jl:224 invalidated:
backedges: 1: superseding ==(x, y) in Base at Base.jl:116 with MethodInstance for ==(::Base.UUID, ::Any) (8 children)
2: superseding ==(x, y) in Base at Base.jl:116 with MethodInstance for ==(::Module, ::Any) (12 children)
3: superseding ==(x, y) in Base at Base.jl:116 with MethodInstance for ==(::Core.TypeName, ::Any) (14 children)
4: superseding ==(x, y) in Base at Base.jl:116 with MethodInstance for ==(::Method, ::Any) (14 children)
5: superseding ==(x, y) in Base at Base.jl:116 with MethodInstance for ==(::Symbol, ::Any) (118 children)
inserting convert(::Type{Any}, ::DataValue{Union{}}) in DataValues at /home/sethaxen/.julia/packages/DataValues/N7oeL/src/scalar/core.jl:42 invalidated:
backedges: 1: superseding convert(::Type{Any}, x) in Base at Base.jl:60 with MethodInstance for convert(::Type{Any}, ::Any) (1934 children)
1 mt_cache
inserting ==(a::DataValue{T1}, b::T2) where {T1, T2} in DataValues at /home/sethaxen/.julia/packages/DataValues/N7oeL/src/scalar/core.jl:223 invalidated:
backedges: 1: superseding ==(x, y) in Base at Base.jl:116 with MethodInstance for ==(::Any, ::FileWatching._FDWatcher) (5 children)
2: superseding ==(x, y) in Base at Base.jl:116 with MethodInstance for ==(::Any, ::Task) (6616 children)
10 mt_cache
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